Please help! (Discoloration of leaves,yellowing.)


Active Member
Hey guys,I have been wanting to start up my bubble buckets for a while now but have not succeeded! so i just started the seeds in soil!
Hopefully i will be able to successfully transplant a couple of them to my system asap!

Problems are there is discoloration and yellowing on some of the bottom leaves and not sure why,
do not have a ph meter for soil so its a mystery atm, thats why i rather go with dwc..
I have noticed chips of bark and wood in the soil mix,maybe this might have an effect on the yellowing..?? :sad: Also i have not been feeding them much.

Hope i dont lose them again and have to start over...
here are some pics of what im up against!! help would be much appreciated!



Active Member
thanks so much,what would an ok % of nutes to feed them! would full strength be harmful now or should it be fine?
or should i jump down to half or a quarter strength?? thanks
Another thing is i was hoping to transplant into my dwc system,not sure how to go with potting them as the have already rooted in soil.. :S


Active Member
:( i was plannin on using these seeds in dwc,but could not get rockwool,
how would i go about transplanting?
what would be good % veg nutes to feed them?
would full strength be way to much atm,or go with half or a quarter?


Well-Known Member
I have gone from soil to DWC before, and the plants were around your size...give it a go, but it is a risk so why not just go on with soil?
(1/2 strength nutes anyways imo)


Active Member
im use to dwc,started on dwc, not as much pest problems seems to me,i like the taste better.
do not have ph test kits for soil. the nutes i have are pure forms in powders alrdy measured and stuff so i got little more knowledge! i will deff leave a couple in soil,
do you mind giving me some pointers? thanks!


Active Member
I have gone from soil to DWC before, and the plants were around your size...give it a go, but it is a risk so why not just go on with soil?
(1/2 strength nutes anyways imo)
how would one go with mounting the roots in the pots, since they have rooted in soil,Could i slightly wrap the upper stem and some roots in filter wool? i think this is goin to be the hard bit!


Well-Known Member
I only did it the one time, about a year ago. If I recall, I washed off a bit of the soil (chlorine free water)and just transplanted into a net pot...


Active Member
so tap normal tapwater would shock them even more i supose and most prob kill them,
um are you sure 1/2 % nutes would be ok to use, would it hurt them more, or are they lacking and need the 1/2 % ??


Well-Known Member
I don't see why not. Once they're in the DWC pour nutes over by hand until they've found their feet.
At least a couple of times a day. Don't stress dude, they'll be fine...


Active Member
I don't see why not. Once they're in the DWC pour nutes over by hand until they've found their feet.
At least a couple of times a day. Don't stress dude, they'll be fine...
Do they need dark period to revive,or 24 hour lighting ok?
Also how low from the buckets should the water be?


Well-Known Member
I always keep clones,re-pots etc on the same light cycle they were on. One less thing to confuse them eh?
The bottom of the bucket/net pot should be just touching the nutrients. Once the roots are climbing out of the pots and down into the nutes you can lower it an inch or so.


Active Member
I always keep clones,re-pots etc on the same light cycle they were on. One less thing to confuse them eh?
The bottom of the bucket/net pot should be just touching the nutrients. Once the roots are climbing out of the pots and down into the nutes you can lower it an inch or so.
they have been on 24 hours.