Please Help! Diagnosis needed


Active Member
Please help me! This is my first grow. I thought I bought everything for a perfect grow setup, (1000w hps ballast, sunmaster conversion MH, Sunmaster Hps, air cooled hood, 4.5x4.5 tent, cool air intake from outside. 200cfm phat carbon filter, 200 cfm 4inch vortex inline fan & a humidifer for veg.) currently plants are being feed grow a &grow b, from homegrown hydroponics. These are to be mothers from seeds in there 8th week. I am keeping on 24 hours of light ( all my friends say its best ), temps ar at 76 steady with a rh of 55%.

My plants are really sad to look at compared to other friends i know growing same strains. my tallest is about 30 inches. One friend started same time from same bag of seeds from Dutch passions ( masterkush & blueberry), his tallest is 6 feet with clones that have 5 nodes. I am lucky to only have 4 nodes on a few. His plants look very very full and healthy with all leaves point at 45 degrees. Mine are always droopy. To add, his setip really sucks ass! one 400w HM with a industrial reflector, in af furnace room. No inline fans, no air, not even a thermometer! Just experience! He is really cheap, but knows how to grow. My plants are dwarfed, droopy, and yellowing, burning, you name it.

I think the problem is i was previously at first under watering with too high concentration of nutrients. Please give me your thoughts on what could cause this. Now i have learned to water until there is runoff, and have been doing so without any nutes but the problem is getting worse ( more yellowing). Also is the runoff supposed to be very yellow in color? And..., is the top growth supposed to have very rigged leaves, as shown in a few of my pics? The environment to me seems flawless, but i am thinking something could be wrong with airflow or something. The bottom line is a need a lot of help so i can grow some prime bud in the future. I know this is a learning experience, but i need to know what i am doing wrong. Please any advice. :)



Well-Known Member
Nice little grow room you got there.
What is the pH of your nutrient solution? A lockout can occur if pH is too high or too low, preventing the plant from getting what it needs. The yellow and brown splotches look like a nitrogen and magnesium def.


Well-Known Member
Wow man you didn't need to compare to a buddies plants to know yours were really sick looking. I mean really really sick looking I don't even know what might be up with the full on dead spots in mid leaf, but I guess I never screwed up that bad for long enough to have seen it before. (just had to throw that in, sorry)

I bet it is PH, if there aren't more issues but I just never saw it make a plant look that bad

Also I think I see signs of spider mite damage, but by no means is that all spider mites.

Why not have your buddy with the 6'er under a 400 help figure it out? (but he might not know as much as you give him credit for if he's using his light for a plant that's too big for it like that.)
Also when you start seeds none are ever equal, you should clone his monster plant because he may have gotten the best luck on the pick of genes in the bag and that plant may always outdo what yours can.

If they always have drooped more than his then you are also making mistake number one which is watering too often and not letting the soil go dry in between watering. When you do that you get root rot and fungus gnats which may seem like no big deal but they eat your roots, the ones that haven't rotted.

I wouldn't be suprised if you have all these problems, you deserve a bitch slap for mistreating your ladies. :) Kind of like a guy that buys his wife a big house and all the best stuff but never spends any quality time with her and ignores her cries for attention, it just isn't going to work out very well for you that way. (As in catch these things earlier and pay attention)


Well-Known Member
ok you should have come to this site ass soon as you seen it spread to the upper part of your plants, you need to answer some key questions first, one guy just asked what your PH is, you say that mother been vegging for 8 weeks, have you ever flushed? you may have salt build up in the root zone lockout key nutes, at what strenght are you using the nutes? you need to check the PH of the runoff water every time your water your plants, as you progress salt build up will occur and if this happens you need to flush the plants with PH'd water atleast 3 times the volume of the plant container, if thats a 3 gallon pot you need atleast 12 gallons of water, get a complete fertilizer, one that states it his all the nutrients, when i had a problem like this, it was recommended here on this site that i flush with a 1/4 strength nute in the flushing solution, do yourself the favor now and take a couple healthy cuttings to preserve her good luck and i think you should pull thru, also is that a grow bag? i hate those fucking things, try not to let the water to get high in that bag or it can tip and half your soil will be clogging the drain.....i fucking hate grow bags!


Well-Known Member
on closer look those are certainly lockout issues, you have multiple deficientcies, flush with the nuted solution, 3 gallon pot = 9gallons of water


Active Member
when you say nute defic. does that mean too much or too little. I have never tried to flush with that much water, but i will try that now. I dont care if these plants die, i just wanna know where i went wrong. Also i have always keept an eye on the ph. 6.5-7.0


Well-Known Member
yes, when using that much water, its called flushing, you have definitly built up salt over time and that locks out nutrients, what i meant was when you feed the plant it does not get the required nutrients = when the plant turns yellow most likely nitrogen deficiency, now if you have over watered which is a very good possibility, you need to go a few days, its better to let the soil dry out and saturate it rather than give small amount more often, small amounts more often will always keep your roots damp and wet and nasty, let it dry it, most people water 2 times a week, figure if you have a 5 gallon pot use a gallon give or take or until you see a small exactly what i told you in the other post, and another thing i usually can tell when i need to water when the pot is lighter than usual, some people just wait for the fan leaves to droop just slightly, i wouldnt recomend that for you, thats for green thumbers....every3 days and u should be good, FLUSH FLUSH FLUSH!!!


Well-Known Member
i know its a ton of water, my water bill is crazy, thats why im going aero, i cant deal with lugging 5 gallon pots around with 60 gallons of water =X