Please help, deficiencies and others.


  • deficiencies

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • heat damage

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20170923_091003.jpg 20170923_091003.jpg Hey guys. Little help? / diagnosis.
I am very new to growing in general. I have done very much research but cannot seem to find the correct answers. I believe my plant has several issues such as nutrient deficiencies and also climate issues. These plants are about 3 weeks old.
Ill start with climate, my grow area has reach 90 degrees multiple times while not around so the heat waves when occurred have occurred for hours at a time, this is due to me not leaving my Ac on and extream heat coming from the lights. I have about 450 wt of white spectrum with a little blue/purple. I do have a fan both intake and exhaust to keep airflow constant. I am not sure if signs on the plant are heat stress related or not as I have maintained the temp this past week.
Now nutrients, I believe they have deficiencies but am not sure of what. From what research has shown me I am almost positive one deficentcy is actually nitrogen toxicity as I went from a clean/ just water at ph of 6.3 to water from a fishtank. The fishtank has been established for years so I trust it is clean germ and parasite wise. But I have come to notice while testing the waters ph that it was extreamly high swell as the nitrates, allot of nitrogen in that water,which is why I assume the turned down or clawed tips on leaves is from. I do think I have multiple issues with the plants. I have just started giving small amounts of nutrients with clean water again no more fishtank. Although I am not sure what exact nutrients if any the fishwater was giving to them i think it may be more than just that. I am currently growing 2 "blueberry headband strains" and one sour diesel. The 2 bbhb plants seem to have the only issues as they were first started. I should mention my soil is all organic and do not think it has caused issues. Both the blueberry plants have most of the same looking problems but 1 allot worse than the other. The problems I find are, yellowing of leaves(first problem that developed) the yellowing started out as just spots, mostly circular spots and have procisted and turned whole leaves yellow and dead. I have trimmed the 100% dead leaves to keep from absorbing unessesary nutrients but has only been 2 days so no signs of healing I also have the leaves clawing and some twisting I think due to them dieing and drying out. Top of the plant deffinatly looks better than the bottom but it is slowly creeping up to the top even on new leaves.i have found a few holes in the leaves aswell and have check best as possible for bugs and mite n have seen nothing. The problem actually looks very similar to that of "gnat fungus" but I don't think I have gnats(I would see them?) I will upload pictures and hope somebody can help. I am looking to start new plants if these do not live through but I don't want to kill any more ,just have a safe grow and end with nice buds. Any help is appreciated. One thing I should last mention so there is no confusion, in the pictures you will see black specs,this is 100% just soil as I had split a bit on them.

Pictures : the 2 pictures that are of same plant are the one looking the worst. The other one is looking not so well, just now after just watering one is over watered as top leaves just drooped over. The last is the newest sour diesel that looks good, but it was premature seed and grows 1/2 plant faster than the other half.


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Buba Blend

Well-Known Member
I do not agree with your soil being good the way it looks in the picture.
Does the soil have time release fertilizers that feed the plant for several weeks?
What brand soil?
I do not agree with your soil being good the way it looks in the picture.
Does the soil have time release fertilizers that feed the plant for several weeks?
What brand soil?
*thesoil I have is orpanic I think has time release of only nitrogen if any. To me i think it looks like potassium and phosphorous

Jypsy Dog

Well-Known Member
What's with all the wood chips? Not looking very Organic for a MJ grow. Who makes the soil? All that wood will play hell with the pH. The plant in the paint can??? Looks like your soil is your biggest issue. Transplant to a better soil in real pots. Your more than not LOCKED OUT.

Buba Blend

Well-Known Member
I move on when they are closed minded and have a set theory and don't answer my simple questions like: What brand soil?
For future grows I'd read up on soils, you may find that MJ is not usually a happy plant in soils with time release fertilizers.
That little plant isn't suffering because it has deficiencies. It's because of the things you added.
Even though it is likely crappy soil, I could grow your plant into a healthy plant way bigger with nothing but water.
What's with all the wood chips? Not looking very Organic for a MJ grow. Who makes the soil? All that wood will play hell with the pH. The plant in the paint can??? Looks like your soil is your biggest issue. Transplant to a better soil in real pots. Your more than not LOCKED OUT.
Not in a paint can Lol . Theses are dead plants now anyways the pic I just posted is the one growing now. I used different soil but still has woodchips. I know those play a part in ph but I check that regularly and seems okay. I tried to pull them out but I just did a transplant and forgot to remove them from the extra soil I put in. The problem came before the transplant when there was no chips. It is now in a 5 gal pot meant for plants.
I thought I kept the emptied soil bag but I guess not.. I dont remember the brand name the last stuff I used was miracle grow all organic potting mix which I changed BC I didn't like the idea of miracle. I usomething different this time. What would you reccomend for soil? And where to get it. I went to lowes, home depot and Walmart...none had very good options

Jypsy Dog

Well-Known Member
I'm using this. Got it from ACE. The fert in this is just some feather meal. I amended it with 1/4c. Espoma 3-4-4 and 1/2cup Gypsum. 5 gallon fabric pot. Growing a Critical Purple Auto. Only issue so far has been a P deficiency when it started flower. That was fixed with Morebloom 0-10-10.
Okay. I have seen the black gold and that was going to be my next buy but can only find it online here which I should have just done instead. Thanks.
Just wondering, I know you mentioned the woodchips n all but what is it about the plant that tells you it is a ph fluctuation and not a nute deficiency? Because the leaves turned yellow before I changed transplanted. Before the transplant there was no woodchips

Jypsy Dog

Well-Known Member
Okay. I have seen the black gold and that was going to be my next buy but can only find it online here which I should have just done instead. Thanks.
Just wondering, I know you mentioned the woodchips n all but what is it about the plant that tells you it is a ph fluctuation and not a nute deficiency? Because the leaves turned yellow before I changed transplanted. Before the transplant there was no woodchips
Read this thread from another site. Good info on soil.
Awesome they do have some good info in there that in going to try. I actually just ran out to a greenhouse near me to get some emergency temporary soil. It is. Called pro-mix ultimate. I read some good things about it some not good but only because it does have the time release . I cannot find anything without t.r. you know is that okay if I am carefully adding my nutrients? I really haunt added much for nutes yet, only during one watering. I can read up on what nutes this soil provides so I have an idea of what nutes not to add later on.

Jypsy Dog

Well-Known Member
Awesome they do have some good info in there that in going to try. I actually just ran out to a greenhouse near me to get some emergency temporary soil. It is. Called pro-mix ultimate. I read some good things about it some not good but only because it does have the time release . I cannot find anything without t.r. you know is that okay if I am carefully adding my nutrients? I really haunt added much for nutes yet, only during one watering. I can read up on what nutes this soil provides so I have an idea of what nutes not to add later on.
Lots of growers on here use it. Might do a search Up top. I'm sure you can find a few threads on it. When in doubt, DON'T FEED. My plant didn't need any thing for the first 4 weeks. Pick the minds of the Nursury staff when you visit. You meet some great growers. Tell them is for your Tomatoes.