* Please Help! Blue Dream Approaching Week 8 of Flower within 24 hrs Plant Problem..*


Leave the leaves. as they DIE and almost fall you can pluck them. Leaves(dying or alive) still help the plant utilize nutrients available in the soil.
Don't water it right now. wait till the next scheduled feed. this way you are not flushing the soil and getting an "Off reading".

Dry leaves won't cause mold. they are dry. the leaf stem will snap off at the stalk or branch once dead. the leaf stems turn yellowish on BD right before they fall off themselves.. (I have been running it for almost a year now)

once you know the runoff pH you will know if it was ONLY heat or not.
Good Luck
Thank you for your help Stew. I had one last question regarding root rot... I have noticed some fungus gnats but not a crazy infestation of them more like one or two flying around so I sprinkled Mosquito Bits over the surface of the soil a week ago (might have affected my pH..)

The entire first 6 weeks of flower appeared good so am I close enough to harvest that I do not have to necessarily treat a potential root rot? I know there is a difference between bud rot and root rot but will root rot affect my buds and make them undesirable to smoke or increase the chance of moldy buds? I mean its already bad enough that my Blue Dream plant almost dried out on me and is not sticky to the touch anymore :(


Well-Known Member
My grow space is 2x4x8... It's extremely hard to keep the heat down, maybe my plants were use to it, but they never looked like that. I'd bet I had 20+ days of about 98f highs in the space.


I was able to snap a photo of my 60x magnification via iphone... maybe I was wrong about there being mostly clear trichomes? Anyone else have any input? They might be closer to harvest time than I thought... definitely think I should be going with plain water from here on out...



Well-Known Member
I'd say your getting close, However is that the top part of the bud? Try checking a couple inches down from the top, and then check the Harvesting and Curing Section for info on when to chop. It's close in my opinion.


Imo nute concentration was/is too high. generally speaking, plant leaves tend to cup upwards in response to heat issues. W/out getting too technical, gas exchange happens on the underside of the leaf and the plant will expose as much of the underside as possible to "sweat" more when hot. On the contrary, plants will curl and block the underside of the leaf in an attempt to retain moisture. this is what your plant is doing imo. now i say high nute concentration because water is the transporter for nutrients. your plant is trying to retain as much water as possible to "dilute" the nute concentration. think of nute as salt. salt dries stuff out and too much salt will dry out plants and crisp their leaves. Personally, i stop feeding around the end of wk 6 and start flush process at 70% cloudy. depending on strain and the type of high im looking for, i harvest 10-20% amber... 30% on patient request. In my opinion, testing runoff is extremely important until you have. personal experience with that exact variety... hope some of this helps...


Imo nute concentration was/is too high. generally speaking, plant leaves tend to cup upwards in response to heat issues. W/out getting too technical, gas exchange happens on the underside of the leaf and the plant will expose as much of the underside as possible to "sweat" more when hot. On the contrary, plants will curl and block the underside of the leaf in an attempt to retain moisture. this is what your plant is doing imo. now i say high nute concentration because water is the transporter for nutrients. your plant is trying to retain as much water as possible to "dilute" the nute concentration. think of nute as salt. salt dries stuff out and too much salt will dry out plants and crisp their leaves. Personally, i stop feeding around the end of wk 6 and start flush process at 70% cloudy. depending on strain and the type of high im looking for, i harvest 10-20% amber... 30% on patient request. In my opinion, testing runoff is extremely important until you have. personal experience with that exact variety... hope some of this helps...
Yes this makes sense and is very helpful. What I don't get is I watered the plants with plain water (pH balanced) about 4-5 days before this happened to the plant and it was a flush which I do every other feeding to wash out the salts and excess nutrients from the previous feeding. Also, most of the damage occurred above my scrog which is the most exposed to the light and potential hot temperatures... Everything else below the scrog looks green and alive.


I think i read you allowed the soil to dry out when u thought u had gnats. dry soil = high concentration of nute. This late into the flower phase i wouldnt stress it too much. it is what it is this round, but i bet ur still gonna get some good smoke... as to flushing in an attempt to leach nutrients, i would read up on CEC (cation exchange capacity) of soils. Basically, different soils hold on better to nutrients and certain nutrients dissplace easier than other. K will leach before Ca etc...