please help big bud girls need doctor


Active Member
:-(hi guys so here is the situation
i have 3 big bud seedlings ,15 day old they do ok so far ,but few days ago they start to show yellow between veins and veins kinda swollen ,and one girl is always a bit droopy and not grow fast like others,i grow in biobizz light mix soil ,ph is 6.8 i start to give biobizz nutes ,biobizz root juice and bio grow and bio heaven but really light ,just 1 ml of each nute on 5 liter of water ,the ec level is 0.9 ,the water is hard here ,0.6 ,should i use bottled water ?
please help if u have any idea ,i also read a lot and check everywhere i can ,but its not nutes i am sure ,it started before i gave nutes ,the temp is 26.5 always around ,humidity is 50% around always ,with lights on ,or out ,i make sure they have good environment ,the lamp is 250 HPS ,70 cm away from girls
here are some pictures
thx and best regards
i read about plants problems now



Well-Known Member
they dont look to bad, maybe bump up the veg nutes to try and get some N pumpin threw her...also how often you water?


Active Member
hey mate thx
i add 2 ml of bio grow in the water tank ,next watering i will add more nutes maybe for begin 1.2 EC,i was scared to overnute them ,they r only 12 cm high,now they had enough of drink yesterday ,i set up tropf blumats yesterday ,i work without weekends hard job ,i go sleep early no time for mix nutesz also my daughter need attention ,i water them when the pots feel really light ,it means every 4th day around ,i water 1 liter for each girl,the pots r 3 liter ,i hope tropf blumats work quickly ,i put in my water tank airstone for bubbles and water pump to mix nutes all time is it correct?should i put something else inside?thx for time to look at my pics and post
thx best regards


Well-Known Member
hey mate thx
i add 2 ml of bio grow in the water tank ,next watering i will add more nutes maybe for begin 1.2 EC,i was scared to overnute them ,they r only 12 cm high,now they had enough of drink yesterday ,i set up tropf blumats yesterday ,i work without weekends hard job ,i go sleep early no time for mix nutesz also my daughter need attention ,i water them when the pots feel really light ,it means every 4th day around ,i water 1 liter for each girl,the pots r 3 liter ,i hope tropf blumats work quickly ,i put in my water tank airstone for bubbles and water pump to mix nutes all time is it correct?should i put something else inside?thx for time to look at my pics and post
thx best regards
i just keep a air stone in my res. ill mix it by hand maybe once a day too.


Active Member
hi so i was doing foliar feeding when lights was off,i mixed light nutes,EC 1.0 ,PH 6.8, 1 liter and 3 drops of dish washer deterrent and sprayed them ,i also changed water in water tank ,i put bottled water but the ec level is also 0.7 strange ,but we see how they do in few days
thx to u for help ,i will report as soon i see changes
best regards