Please Help, Beginning of 3rd Weed Veg


Active Member
Could you save that picture to your computer and zoom in and tell me what you think, it's obviously hermie or male, but no of the plant's have started developing seeds still carrying on with flower shall i keep it and see how it goes?
I'm going to purchase the new bloom booster on the market "buddhas tree" guaranteed 40percent extra yield have been hearing a lot of good things about it, it's pk is 9 18 it's 30quid for a 250ml bottle annoyed the candy kush showed female signs of pistles everywhere from early in veg yet it has just jumped into being male/hermie.
Going to hope i can still get 8oz's from this harvest would you say that is too much to expect from 3 plant's under a 600w hps??

Tallest plant is now 3ft tall

Don't know what stressed the candy kush into male but it literally happened overnight thought they were huge heads of bud, thought wrong :(


Active Member
Right this candy kush is definately male, don't know why it's changed sex all of a sudden, really done my head in it must have been stressed by something, while i decide what to do i have put it in the bottom right corner of the tent and moved the other three away from it since i noticed the top left plant(furthest away from the male) is more into flower than the ones that were practically next to the male.
How close can a male be without making the females waste energy making seeds?

Going to purchase buddhas tree, guaranteed 40percent extra yield PK of 9 18.
Hoping i am still going to get 8oz's off of these 3 plant's 6 i would survive just any less i would be buggered, 10oz's i would be great and have a good start for my new grow.

The new equipment i wanted which was going to cost me about 700 - 800 i have spoke to the guy who own's my local hydro store and he told me if i buy it all in one he will reduce the cost to between 400 - 500
This includes
Wilma 8 Big pot system
Pumps etc... all the gear for the wilma dripper system
A 2.2m x 1.2m x 6ft great quality grow tent
All the clay pebbles i need to fill up 8 18l pots
And he said he will throw in extra discount if i get a fan kit
Considering getting 2 400watt hps's from there too, use a 400watt per 4 pots in veg hen turn on the 600w hps when i put them into flower

I'm happy to sell these oz's for 200each but if i only get 6 (2oz's per female) then i'm going to have to hit the streets in my hometown selling ten pound draws to get the money needed (i don't want to be a supplier so i really want to avoid this, i would be happy to just quickly sell a few oz's for the equipment pay some bills put a couple of hundered away for electric and gas and do my next load for personal use)


Active Member
Could you save that picture to your computer and zoom in and tell me what you think, it's obviously hermie or male, but no of the plant's have started developing seeds still carrying on with flower shall i keep it and see how it goes?
I'm going to purchase the new bloom booster on the market "buddhas tree" guaranteed 40percent extra yield have been hearing a lot of good things about it, it's pk is 9 18 it's 30quid for a 250ml bottle annoyed the candy kush showed female signs of pistles everywhere from early in veg yet it has just jumped into being male/hermie.
Going to hope i can still get 8oz's from this harvest would you say that is too much to expect from 3 plant's under a 600w hps??

Tallest plant is now 3ft tall

Don't know what stressed the candy kush into male but it literally happened overnight thought they were huge heads of bud, thought wrong :(
90% sure that it is a Hermie plant, below that bud on main stem looks like a male part ( good chance its stress that caused it)
if you flush at the right time (week 7), and harvest at right time week 8-9
and keep the nutes simple, over watering and tempter over 32c will really stress the plants out, so make sure the soil drys out before watering again and the temp stays under 30c at canopy level
and could still get 6-8 oz from 3 plants


Active Member
you could easy end up with seeds on all of the plants
the best chance is to have that plant the opposite corner to the fan and keep the air circulation down and remove any male parts you see
if you have the carbon filter on one side , keep the plant below it
intake air opposite corner to the plant
the pollen should not spread much if you are care-fall and reduce the chance of spreading it


Active Member
The male has been removed from the room and put in a seperate room there is about 5meters and 2 shut doors separating them now, the room also has a vent in so it's going to draw most of the pollen out of that.
Want to kill it tonight really as i have read on how male plant's can impregnate females even if they are a few miles away (basically they have a big ****)
Anyone know how long you can preserve the leaves off a dead plant without it rotting away and not being able to be used as hash? i mean when the plant is dead obviously.


Well-Known Member
Any advice on clay pebbles?1.How do you plant a seed in clay pebbles?2. how do you transplant a seedling into clay pebbles?How much better is clay pebbles for a wilma dripper system rather than coco pro plus, if there is not much of a difference then i have no problem, it will just be coco again but if i can get much better results/yield then i will like to grow with clay pebbles.
Clay pebbles are great, I just set up my new awesome perpetual hydro system with them, basically you start in rockwool cubes (I got the 1m slabs 'cause they're like £2.50 per meter and you can cut cubes to the size you need) as you would start in any other medium (soil etc) germ seeds, put them in a little hole in the top of the rockwool and keep them moist but not soaking, very much like soil, once you see roots coming out of the base of the rockwool cube you then literally put the cubes on a bed of clay pebbles (in the net pot) and cover the top of the rockwool cube with clay pebbles (if you like the aesthetics XD) And that's pretty much it.

IMO I wouldn't use coco in DWC, Flood and Drain or NFT because it's very messy i think even the coco hydro stuff is (don't hold me to that) but hydro has to be kept very clean and sanitized 'cause when shit goes bad in hydro... it goes bad fast!

Clay pebbles allow more space between them so the roots can grow pretty much unimpeded and get shit loads of oxygen which in turn gives you awesome root structure and awesome plants. OH AND, clay pebbles are re-useable as roots don't really grow into them, just wash em after your grow and boom the only thing you'll have to buy is rockwool which is piss cheap.

My opinion on your bloom booster is quite skeptical, sounds just like a hella expensive PK booster which you can get from canna or AN for half that price the PK boosters are cheap as, it's the stuff like Canna Boost and AN Big Bud that are expensive and have the carbs and 'ultimate mix of nutrients in amino acids' and all that crap if you believe the marketing (which to some extent I do lol the results speak for themselves)

Other than that, sucks about your herm! otherwise the rest of em look good, so long as the pods on the herm haven't opened or burst you should have minimal to no seeds in the rest of your girls. And unless your herm is covered in trichs all over the leaves, just kill it, 'cause it wont give you much if any hash so isn't worth the effort.

Sorry that was a bit of a read, had some catching up :)

Stay Frosty!


Active Member
So far i cannot fault big bud, for having a PK of 1-3 good results on my girls, Matchbox my advice, ring buddhas tree hydroponic store and ask them about their new PK 9 18 i'm purchasing it tomorrow, just ring them and ask, they will tell you where to look for a review.


Active Member
They have just had a change of nutes,
canna a + b 2ml's (half strength)
Big Bud 2ml's
Buddhas tree PK 9 18 0.25ml's(half strength)

Buddhas tree said i should see a good difference on the formed bud within 24 hours so i'll update tomorrow at 11


Active Member
Clay pebbles are great, I just set up my new awesome perpetual hydro system with them, basically you start in rockwool cubes (I got the 1m slabs 'cause they're like £2.50 per meter and you can cut cubes to the size you need) as you would start in any other medium (soil etc) germ seeds, put them in a little hole in the top of the rockwool and keep them moist but not soaking, very much like soil, once you see roots coming out of the base of the rockwool cube you then literally put the cubes on a bed of clay pebbles (in the net pot) and cover the top of the rockwool cube with clay pebbles (if you like the aesthetics XD) And that's pretty much it.

IMO I wouldn't use coco in DWC, Flood and Drain or NFT because it's very messy i think even the coco hydro stuff is (don't hold me to that) but hydro has to be kept very clean and sanitized 'cause when shit goes bad in hydro... it goes bad fast!

Clay pebbles allow more space between them so the roots can grow pretty much unimpeded and get shit loads of oxygen which in turn gives you awesome root structure and awesome plants. OH AND, clay pebbles are re-useable as roots don't really grow into them, just wash em after your grow and boom the only thing you'll have to buy is rockwool which is piss cheap.

My opinion on your bloom booster is quite skeptical, sounds just like a hella expensive PK booster which you can get from canna or AN for half that price the PK boosters are cheap as, it's the stuff like Canna Boost and AN Big Bud that are expensive and have the carbs and 'ultimate mix of nutrients in amino acids' and all that crap if you believe the marketing (which to some extent I do lol the results speak for themselves)

Other than that, sucks about your herm! otherwise the rest of em look good, so long as the pods on the herm haven't opened or burst you should have minimal to no seeds in the rest of your girls. And unless your herm is covered in trichs all over the leaves, just kill it, 'cause it wont give you much if any hash so isn't worth the effort.

Sorry that was a bit of a read, had some catching up :)

Stay Frosty!
if seedling are done in rock wall you can use in any system
summer is on its way, time to get out the potable air-con
i thought i would let u know what i do
i have a 50ltr bin 18" across and 17" deep, i will slide the carbon filter half way in horizontal and put the vet ducting from the air-con towards the back of the bin
the filter catches all the hot from air-con and room air, filter the lot and pumps the air where you what it
i set the air con to auto 24c, canopy level will higher say 28c
so it works for me
it use max 800w but only uses about 400w per hour sounds a lot but heat will cripple you summer yield


Active Member
Thank you jason i will definately look back on that post in a couple of months,
All girls are doing very well definately into budding now, would say the buddhas tree is doing great but yesterday was only it's first feed, feeding it again now, in 2 - 3 day's when the whole plant is fully filled with the new range of nutes i expect to see fat colas beginning to develop.

Since seeing the burning of some edges of the leaves so dropping the feed of canna coco A + B to half strength i have seen a great improvement, literally every single leaf healthy not one deficiency spotted :)


Active Member
Thank you jason i will definately look back on that post in a couple of months,
All girls are doing very well definately into budding now, would say the buddhas tree is doing great but yesterday was only it's first feed, feeding it again now, in 2 - 3 day's when the whole plant is fully filled with the new range of nutes i expect to see fat colas beginning to develop.

Since seeing the burning of some edges of the leaves so dropping the feed of canna coco A + B to half strength i have seen a great improvement, literally every single leaf healthy not one deficiency spotted :)
sound like you are doing a great job
good you have cut the nutes back to half strength
late in flower 10 days before flush you should increase the feed as this is when you should start see a big increase in bud size for 2 weeks,then they fill out
when plants are near the end when they take longer to dry out
at times i need to water every 2 days and it goes to 4 -6 without dry out so know it has not got long, so i start flushing
for the next 7-10 days
you should buy a pocket scope x30 and check the plants near the 8 week mark
start flushing round 7 weeks and you can not go wrong, you can flush from 7-14 day with no loss in yield,
you need yellow fan leaves on the plants near harvest to show no nutes left in the plants or it can give a poor quality smoke


Active Member
I will get a budscope and i will make sure i flush buddy, and do you mean going yellow or go untill they are completely yellow, curled up and crumbling?


Active Member
Any advice on drying for me? heard before it takes 2 day's but then looking it up it's saying 2 weeks :( god dam i just wanna smoke this stuff!
Obviously i know how to dry it quicker but i do not want to lower the quality of the smoke, or will having them hanging in my living room and keeping my living room at a fairly high temperature 24 - 28 not harm them?


Active Member
use your pocket scop and check the trichs 30% amberare and
it good when a lot of the fan leaves turn yellow (you know its well flushed)
make sure the plants are dry
reduces drying time

best to havest when been in the dark for 12-24 hours

can hang plants upside down with fan leafs removed and over leaves timed off
just buds leaft

do not have a fan direct on them
or a light, low lights is ok but not hid

good airflow and low humidy 30-40, temputer round 25c
will dry in 4-5 day.

a quick way
but smoke not as good but still ok

is for you to take a bud and place on kitchen roll

and place on something warm with good air flow

it should dry overnight.


Well-Known Member

Then you have the whole curing option and all that crap, wont go into it 'cause there are some really good threads in the harvesting and curing section.

You can also quick dry in a few hours (if you want a few test nugs) if you just stick em on the vents on the top of your TV or on an Xbox exhaust, it doesn't get hot enough to burn THC but just enough to evaporate the water, they smoke quite well thru a bong that way, nice and crispy (still not as good as a proper dry and cure though) :)


Well-Known Member
Dude get them under the 600 hps light has soon has the seedling or clones have good first leaves seedling wise or good roots clone wise.There is no use in vegging in a room with a low intence light this will lose you alot of weight long term.If you was to put the plants under the 6oo from the start then they should be 1ft tall with in a min of about 3/4 week with nice tight nodes.A lot of growers do not veg under hps but hid but i have yet to see any big advantages of dong this.keep the lights close to the plant tops and you should get a nice yeild.The yeild you have mentioned is not good under 1 600 hps light a max of 2 plants per light flowered at 1ft should throw you a min of 8 oz of bone dry bud if you use the right nutes,ie advanced or like i use canna.Also if possible get into useing a hydroponic system and a ec metre ,something that is easy to use like a auto pot set up with grow medium coco..........tyke


Active Member
Tyke if you were to go back a page or two you would see i'm not taking any clones, hoping to get 10oz's from this harvest then get new equipment in and start fresh with a batch of seeds maybe even expensive seeds as i know if you want to get much out then you need to put a lot in, going to make my next grow purely indica and maybe a strain i can find that likes topping


Active Member

Then you have the whole curing option and all that crap, wont go into it 'cause there are some really good threads in the harvesting and curing section.

You can also quick dry in a few hours (if you want a few test nugs) if you just stick em on the vents on the top of your TV or on an Xbox exhaust, it doesn't get hot enough to burn THC but just enough to evaporate the water, they smoke quite well thru a bong that way, nice and crispy (still not as good as a proper dry and cure though) :)
upload more next week
what do you think



Active Member
Jason mate they look dank as f**k,
How tall are they/ looks like you have a good oz or two on each cola there hard for me to tell when i don't know the size of that PH meter