Please help before plants get real fucked up...

Hopefully this reaches some knowledgeable eyes.

I've got a 12 plant grow that seems to be faltering a bit. Its 6 granddaddy purples (GDP) and 6 mazaar i shariff plants in the same system (dumb i know). I have them under a 1000 hps at about 3-4 feet away. The temp currently ranges from 70-85, lately its been in the 80's during the day, doesnt drop too far below 60 during the night. Relative Humidity ranges between 60-46 during the day. Plenty of ventilation. Running an ebb and flow bucket system (C.A.P brand) with 50 gallon rez and second rez with floater activated pump. I've been pretty much adhearing to the Lucas formula for GH nutes (0-8-16) The ph consistently stays at approximatley 5.8 and i have seldom needed to adjust it. I'm using R/O water as well. I keep the ppm at 1300 and am using a TDS PPM converter at .7 EC. I top off the rez with fresh r/o water and new nutes to keep it at 1300 and stir the rez between each nute addition. I've been feeding twice a day during lights on only. The plants have been on 12/12 since May 1st. So, its been six weeks and i'm a bit worried they should have been alot further by now.

Lately i've been cutting back on micro, because i was told that the GDP leaves were showing over nitrogen because of the folding or canoeing. As well the Mazaars exibhit a bit darker color and the leaves are thin and a bit soft, though not wilting like the GDPs. The pictures i attached shows this problem. It seemed like cutting back on the micro a bit was helping to correct the problem for a couple of days, but now the problem is continuing and i'm barely adding any micro and all bloom.

I figured this wasnt actually helping any so i added more micro today as in the past couple of days one of the GDP's was showing yellowing of the middle large fan leaves, with some blochiness in texture. Some of the affected leaves just fell right off when i pulled them and have the bad dead ends. For the past 3 weeks all the plants have one or a couple small sized completely dead leaves that fall of every other day at the bottom pretty consistently. I've been assuming its pretty normal, i.e lack of light.

My first question is what is causing the leaf folding on the GDP's, and softening and darkening of the mazaars? I'm pretty sure its a nutrient issue, but i have no clue as to what kind and how to solve it. Thought it was nitrogen, perhaps it still is, or not? I need some good advice on this matter.

Should i add any extra things like Cal/Mag or hydrogen Peroxide? Or will a change in nutrient ratio suffice? should i switch to the GH reccomended 1,2,3 ratio? Is my feeding cycle also a factor? Perhaps they are overwatered and underfed, or underfed and overwatered?

Also, theres a slight PM issue going on that i've been trying to maintain with 2% baking soda spray, but it doesnt seem to be that effective. I need some recommendations in this area badly as well.

Does that one GDP look light stretched?

And finally, should i be worried that i'm not seeing bigger buds at this point? besides for the main colas under direct light, the bud sites are small and not that dense yet, though are hairy.

Would it be wise of me to add another light?

I really appreciate any answers to these questions. I'm really screwed if i dont figure this out right! Thanks guys.



New Member
I thought I recognized your plants!! I responded to a thread where you were stating you had cupping and me and another toker said high N. You mentioned in the ebb-grow thread also that you have a few roots extruding from the bottom. Guess what. Along with high N feeds is massive root growth!! The only thing I could recommend is to get 2ea 5 gallon stackable buckets, make in to an ebb-grow (drill grommet hole and holes in upper bucket for drainage), and transfer your plant. You could hold your plant upside down and remove the bucket and inspect the roots to see if indeed they are root bound. I had cupping all the way to harvest, pretty good yield, but it was just a irritant.



Well-Known Member
I also you Ebb and grow... My opinion to your questsions are as follows ...

question number one. I think they might actually be under watered.... why? In ebb and grow your roots can get so ridiculous, they will actually block the wholes in the bottom inner bucket not allowing the water to penetrate the root ball. my solution was I cut the rootes from the whols and pokes something up through them and then just added a Enzyme to my nutes like hygrozyme that will break down the dead roots it was a huge help.

Question number 2... no i think your plants are fine.. your plants don't show any major deficiency

Question 3 ... your GDP looks beautiful

question 4 ... hard to tell if you need another light your pics don't show enough just make sure your canopy is covered

last but not least give it time the buds will come most growth happens the last 3 weeks! hope this helps from one ebb and grower to another
you guys are awesome thank you so much. I suspected the roots might be completely root bound. I think thats probably the real problem here.

Hygrozyme makes sense gonna get that. Cant really change the buckets they're in right now, far too much work. I'll just have to make due with what i've got.

Mutefruit, what do you mean by poke something up through them? Do you mean to loosen the roots a bit by jamming something up in the pebbles or what?


Well-Known Member
you guys are awesome thank you so much. I suspected the roots might be completely root bound. I think thats probably the real problem here.

Hygrozyme makes sense gonna get that. Cant really change the buckets they're in right now, far too much work. I'll just have to make due with what i've got.

Mutefruit, what do you mean by poke something up through them? Do you mean to loosen the roots a bit by jamming something up in the pebbles or what?
lift up the inner bucket and drive a wire coat hanger in there all the way up through it. it works trust me.