Please help before it gets worse


Well-Known Member
Hey guys i watered my plants yesterday i believe a little not a lot of water...their about a week into flowering but one of my plants leaves has been lookin weird for the last couple days..soil is fox farm happy frog..the ph of the water i used was prolly a little high about 8.5 idk...i just dont want it gettin any worse as the rest of my plants are doing great! Please help me..Thanks!


Well-Known Member
keep the ph at 6.5 (easy fix)
if only one is looking odd perhaps its that plant?
If it's not falling apart and all yellow.. dont worry it's a fan leaf.

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
or use r/o water supplemented with cal/mag. it looks like a cal/mag deficiency. could be ph that is locking out the cal/mag but the soil is a good ph buffer normally. i would try to add some cal mag


Well-Known Member
is that Diatamacious Earth on your soil, do you have insect problems? maybe its just left over damage from mites or something


Well-Known Member
Its playsand lol im using it because gnats are getting in my soil and the larva fucked up my last crop slowed down the growth a lot...