Please help ASAP. Tried everything I could think of. WTF?!?


Well-Known Member
tell me the product and the 3 numbers associated with N_P_K on each of the bottles your using

tell me how much your dosing for each


Well-Known Member
5-2-5 Grow it green
2-4-2 Foliar Harmony
1-8-7 Flower power
3-0-0 Cal Mag
SuperPlant Tonic: Contains Trace Minerals and Positive Microorganisms.


10 Gallon Res
GiG: 5 T
FP: 9 T
FH: 20 T
SPT: 10 T
2 T Cal Mag (When I first got the CalMag I put 5 in there and it made some of the plants tips and edges burn so I eased back.)


GIG: 1 T per gallon (some plants like tomatoes can use 2+ company states)
FP: 1 T per gallon (some plants like tomatoes can use 2+ company states)
Foliar harmony: 2 T per gallon
SPT: 2 T per gallon
CALMAG: 1.98ML - or 1.25teaspoon per gallon for Flowering plants


Well-Known Member
Medium is a small chunk of rockwool about 3by3 inches and the rest is hydrotone pebbles. pots are 1 gal and roots are growing about a foot and a half out of them into the top tray.
water 3x daily


Well-Known Member
Medium is a small chunk of rockwool about 3by3 inches and the rest is hydrotone pebbles. pots are 1 gal and roots are growing about a foot and a half out of them into the top tray.
water 3x daily
ok give me a few to get it keyed in.. I will get back tonight or tomorrow a.m.


Well-Known Member
Which has the micro nutrients? mmm there are 5 bottles total including the calmag.
I'm thinking your refering to the Superplant Tonic with the trace minerals and microorganisms? It doesn't have a NPK number

As far as the Fe,Zn,Mn.. no clue.
bottles doesn't break it down in that manner. only the number and dosage


Well-Known Member
did you mean to say teaspoons...

your not actually feeding tablespoons are you?

20 tablespoons is 300ml..that don't sound right

I can tell you this for sure...either way its off......

im not sure where your micro nutes sit.. but its more likely you would wan to be something close to

grow 2.5 mls per gallon
FH 2.5 mls per gallon
flower power 5 mls per gallon

but without the micro nute info I cant verify

personally If i was you I would dump that brand asap switch to general hydroponics floragrow and flora nova (1 part) 7.5ml max strength


Well-Known Member
Which has the micro nutrients? mmm there are 5 bottles total including the calmag.
I'm thinking your refering to the Superplant Tonic with the trace minerals and microorganisms? It doesn't have a NPK number

As far as the Fe,Zn,Mn.. no clue.
bottles doesn't break it down in that manner. only the number and dosage
none of the bottles list iron (Fe) or zinc

the grow, foliar H, flower power??


Well-Known Member
don't even consider the super plant tonic... those trace minerals don't count as your micros,,
if they don't list them then that's sketchy

somewhere on the bottles it should say something like

Fe.......... 5%

and so on


Well-Known Member
There are no micro nutrients listed or percentages for that matter. They are generic looking bottles. It seems to be atleast somewhat known about on these forums- BMO. Blue Mountain Organics


Well-Known Member
I have been having a lot of problems with them though. Been thinking about Botanicare
I took another look at your nutes.. I think I got the answer

feed 5mls flower power and 5mls grow
and its actually a very good ratio

do not use the foliar harmony at all....


Well-Known Member
thatll put you at

80ppm nitrogen
60 ppm phosphorus
132 ppm potassium

I would consider that a max dose and is actually almost the same as the flora nova I mentioned

as for you cal mag... I would need to know how much magnesium and calcium are in the grow and power to tell you how much to use