Please help, as soon as i put my plants into flowering i loose all leaves!!!

i have done it in these cups for over 7 years in maryland, pulling on average 30 grams per plant and some forty. so i know that works, and youll see a have a white widow in the pic thats in a much bigger container, with the same problems. so yea this method has worked for me wonderfully for years. this method has givin me the best sucess. until now, if i have to ill put them in something bigger, im not against that, i just know this worked for me very well in the past.
does this make sense? my water is 250 ppm, so its a little hard, im pretty sure it does not have to many contaminents, its from 1000 feet under rocky mountains, but maybe it has way too much cal or mag or another mineral? could that be an issue?

YES,try some RO water or rain water.And set PH at 5.8.
Il bet ya tht will help.
I have seen some plants grown in a Solo cup tht were over a oz,Hempy style.
i have done it in these cups for over 7 years in maryland, pulling on average 30 grams per plant and some forty. so i know that works, and youll see a have a white widow in the pic thats in a much bigger container, with the same problems. so yea this method has worked for me wonderfully for years. this method has givin me the best sucess. until now, if i have to ill put them in something bigger, im not against that, i just know this worked for me very well in the past.
And so now? I have lived my entire life in the Rocky Mountains from NM to AK. Your cups aren't cutting it. Roots are the oxygen intake system of the plant. The roots. Not the roots and leaves - the roots.
sounds to me like a root rot problem. your plants didn't achieve the vigorous state. try rooting them longer next time before u goto the party cups, i bet the moisture is creating a waterlogged barrier so the roots can't grow

Whats the green peas for i hope dinner.....

i am lowering the ph, its not root rot, i will check a few more to make sure, i can pull them right out of the cups and examine the roots and just changed a couple a few days ago and im tellin you, the roots looked good,,, i was shocked,because the plants look so bad i thought the roots would not be so healthy. but they were.
ok , I upped the ph to 5.9 and 6 and no improvement, infact they look worse and the new growth has started turning light grey and dead, what does that mean and can a plant come back after that?
found the prob, was not the ph, but was my water has too much minerals and such, soon as i did a week with distilled water, they have popped back to life. all is well now!!!!!
If you still keep running your ph under 5.8 in flowering you'll ALWAYS have some sort of problem.
Like superstoner said.
5.6-5.8 Veg.
5.8 Early Flower
5.8-6.1 Late flower.

Those are just the simple facts when it comes to PH and Hydro.

As a general rule, anytime you run under or over 5.8 for an extended period of time you will have issues.
5.8 is the sweet spot for hydro.
Do you have a water softener? I've had similar issues in the past with well water that had been softened and not run through an RO. The replacement of heavy metals with sodium ions will kill plants.