Please help, as soon as i put my plants into flowering i loose all leaves!!!

i am using 16 ounce party cups made into hempy buckets, i have done this before with wonderful sucess, producing up to 40 grams of of one 16 ounce cup regularly. well i moved to co 9200 foot elevation. the problem im having is the second i put my plants into the flower room, they begin loosing all the fan leaves, i mean all till the plant is this stringy thing with 5 tiny buds producing about a half of a gram to maybe 2 grams per plant! i cant figure it out, temp is 68 during day and 62 at night. my ph has been between 5.1 and 5.6. i have bio bloom and general hydro bloom, and for veg i have the organic liquid maricle grow. for six months ive tried to fight this, i thought it was nute burn but i brought them down to no nutes and that did not help, i went out and bought cal mag, no help. in my veg spot is not doing well either i have plants with leaves curling up and down half the leaves turn blackish brown, and crumble and die, some the edges of the leaves are all turned up, all show slow growth. i will put some pics up soon. i used this method for a long time with no problems.
did you start using a new light? if they were fine before something must have changed-different strains at least?
I am using 16 ounce party cups made into hempy buckets.
I am thinking that these little cups are not NEAR big enough

Well I moved to co 9200 foot elevation.
The elevation might have something to do with it.

Temp is 68 during day and 62 at night. My ph has been between 5.1 and 5.6.
Daytime temps would be better around 75-80 and night 72-74. They are freezing to death. Try keeping ph around 5.8 - 6.0

My ppm has been very little, less then 100 ppm on top of the 150 my well water is.
You are starving those poor plants. Bring them up to 700 until they are 6 inches tall, then 1200 after that.

Grow room humidity is only 23 for the flowering room.

Try humidity around 50%

Lastly, I am a newbie and this is my first time of me giving advice, so keep that in mind. LOL
.............snip.......well i moved to co 9200 foot elevation. ......snip.......

My guess is your plants are simply suffocating. I'd try putting them in a minimum 2 gallon pot with some soiless or soil that will drain well, even a 2 gallon hempy bucket. They NEED more roots at this altitude. Further this strain may simply not be able to withstand this altitude. Not to mention the humidity is pretty sparse too. Especially during the winter when you start heating you may need to humidify your environment.

Try searching on high altitude grows over 9 grand you really may need another strain of cannabis. One that is adapted to altitude.
Best of luck on your grow.
The plants are not freezing to death.My concern would be the Well water have you used this water before....PH 5.5 to 6.0 max your locking out alot of nutes running at 5.1

I see a few problems that need fixed first. Your temps are way off, 68 should be your low, and 77-80 for lights on. Humidity that low is very hard on the plants. Ph is way low, 5.6-5.8 in veg, 5.8 for early flower, and 5.9-6.1 for late flower. And finally, the well water. Usually well water has tons of bad chemicals that leach in and I have seen many people have problems using it. You will never know until you get the basics fixed.
well you think that a higher elevation would mean they need more roots? and as for the light i bought a good quality 1000 watt hort bulb of amazon for fifty bucks. im wondering if my bulb could be defective, ever hear of a defective bulb? that bleaches plants to death? and with the ppm man if i go over 350 they burn up big time they get claws culr and tips brown. i dont think the temp is that far off where it would effect my plants this bad. humidity maybe?
oh and im running six different strains. and they are all affected, some not as much as other during veg, but come flower all leaves die on everything. i am waiting for my rechargable batteries to recharge so i can hook my camera up , but its like they have all the probs leaves curling up on edges, down on ends, up on ends, some do the the still wave so its like curled up then back down and back up. some crispy, lots of claws.
350 ppm burns your plants? Something is wrong with that. A developed plant will likely starve at 350. Not burn. I would try different water.
You said you just moved,so the only thing you have changed is your altitude and your water source. It would be a better guess that your water is the problem. What are your ppm out of the tap. More important then that, go have that water tested $50 max for a complete broad spectrum testing. I would bet its your water,clawing,necroses,and dying leaves,usually are brought on by overfert or lockout.
If your water checks out,then try bumping up the ph a lil. But from what you have said, I'm gonna say you got bad water.
not that cause im giving them, a fraction of what the directions call for per gallon, and ive tried giving the full amount, and they burnt up big time. and we have clean well water up in this part the rockies measuring only 150 or so ppm out my sink.
well i jusr retested my water and its reading 250 ppm right out the sink. is this bad, and again ive had the ph between 5 and 5.4 the entire time up here in the mountains and back in maryland where my project was working wonderfully i did not have a ph tester or a ppm meter, now i got both and im all fuked up. so maybe its just the ph needs to be up at 6, or the 250 ppm water i have, what do youll all think, and thanks for the help a kind group of souls on this site.
oh, and it cant be that the 16 ounce party are too small because youll see in the pic there is a white widow almost done budding, its in a almost a gallon bucket, and same problems, that thing was as bushy as you could imagine with fan leaves bigger then your entire hand with fingers. put it under budding all went south, loosing all its fan leaves and all other leaves turning yellow and dying too.
does this make sense? my water is 250 ppm, so its a little hard, im pretty sure it does not have to many contaminents, its from 1000 feet under rocky mountains, but maybe it has way too much cal or mag or another mineral? could that be an issue?