Please Help Answer My Question Can I Get Legal In Michigan


Well-Known Member

disapointing. please don't be a liar, cause you're in trouble with the cops.

i try not to be a dick, but if this goes away, due to misuse, and i have to be a criminal again i'll break more than just the marijuana law. i'm not afraid to go back, man,.

other than that. does being inacpacitated from anxiety qualify as pain. it would be for me, i like living.


Well-Known Member
He's saying it sounds like you've got legal trouble and you need your card to use as a defense. We all like this mmj law so we don't want to see people messing our thing up by abusing it and giving politicians a reason to take this shit away.


Well-Known Member
They can't take away shit, they need this $...they like it...there is no going back, only forward.


Well-Known Member
I had no records...nothing...just scars, and lots of advice is to call Dr crocker ...have them send you a pain journal to fill out until you get into see will take 4-8 weeks to get an appointment ...


ohh no def nothing to do with legal trouble at all, But im in a program in which i will get kicked out of if i dont get legal soon but its not that much of a biggie, I truly Smoke marijuana for it's medical effect but i have been doing so under my own self medicating procedure~ alls im saying is now that i can get legal in michigan under my circumstances what would be my best way? InMichigan you cant get legal for any type of mental condition but if you take medicine for a mental condition and it gives you side effects that marijuana can help then you can get legal,m,,,i dont know its complicated either way i will continue to self medicate regardless if iam legal or not Im just a low profile smoker so trouble is not a worry and also the city i live in passed it to where its only a civil infraction


New Member
just call dr david crocker @michigan hollistic health he is in grand rapids and will help you get legal.he is a true dr that dont have to spam forums pushing his wares like some others do


My Case Is A Bit More Complicated, I Have Been Smoking Marijuana For Several Years To Ease The Side Effects Of Adderall In Which I Take For A.D.D~(Which Is Not On The List in Michigan To Get Legal For) But According To The Policy They Say If You Take A Medication That Gives You Severe Naseau Then You Can Get Legal So ALthough I have my A.D.D well documented my nausea isnt. I Have Been Keeping A Nausea log though so you think that would help?