Please Help Answer My Question Can I Get Legal In Michigan


I Live In Grand Rapids MI and I'm Trying To find a way to get legal, i have no disease or pain records so what do i say? I personally use it to ease my anxiety but thats not a legit reason or documented. I Have been Diagnosed A.d.d since a kid and currently take 45 mgs a day of adderrall. I Also Go To The Methadone Clinic for opiate withdraws. Now my question is can i say my medcications make me naseus and smoking marijuana helps or what? I Have Been Told Marijuana Cards are so easy to get just say you have insomnia or something but thats not the case from what ive been reading. I dont know but i need to get legal please help!!

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
Michigan is tougher than some but not that tough. I'm not trying to tell you some shady way to get a card, that's a quick way to lose mine along with my good name. Think buddy, you're a smart guy you can do anything you put your mind to. google it. There are much less scruplious guys than I out there blogging about this exact subject.

Huel Perkins

Well-Known Member
Michigan is tougher than some but not that tough. I'm not trying to tell you some shady way to get a card, that's a quick way to lose mine along with my good name. Think buddy, you're a smart guy you can do anything you put your mind to. google it. There are much less scruplious guys than I out there blogging about this exact subject.
Exacty, there are plenty of medical loop holes and doctors willing to sign paper work for anyone with cash but i personally won't go any further than that...


I Read For A Few Hours Just Wasn't Sure If There Was An Easy Way, I Called One Office And The Secretary Said I Would Have To Get My Doctor To Send Records Of My Nausea From The Meds But Thats Not Possible Cause I Have No Records Of Nausea, Thats Why I Wasnt Sure If The Doctor I See For The Medical Card Would Help Me Come Up With A Way Or Just Deny Me


And In Michigan You Can Not Get Legal For Anxiety Or A.d.d Nothing Mental Only Debilitating Diseases They Say,,,But Thats The Thing I Hear The Docs Will Help Find A Loop But Didnt Wanna Pay To Find Out Or Not


It Is A Wide Scope I Just Didn't Know If The Doctors Are Usually Pretty Cool And Will Actually Help Ya Or If You Strictly Need A Disease, I'm Talking About The Doc's That Advertise all the time saying no recoerds needed and blah zay ski ya know?

The Growery

Active Member
95% of the certification centers in michigan just want your money. medical records or not you will get a card if you have cash.


Well I Will Call Around Tomorrow And Give It A Shot,, Thank You Everyone For Your Input~ Feel Free To Add Anything Else That I Should Know On How It Might Go In My Case

Dr. Bob

Well-Known Member
Well as a certification doctor (and hopefully one of the 5% alluded to above) I can tell you this.

Medical records are very important to document the condition. No one, including me, can just look at you and tell you have chronic pain or nausea, your record tells me that because you sought care and were treated for it. As a doctor, I am aware that many medications have the specific side effect of nausea. Show me you are on those meds (and have records from the visits were you got them) and it goes a long way to justify the certification. I have to not only be convinced, but I have to be able to convince a judge/jury as well if you find yourself in a section 8 hearing down the road.

Records are simple, I can do that. But if you have NOTHING in the line of records, you are faced with several choices. Either generate them by going to the doctor, or there are some good clinics (Michigan Holistic right there in GR) that will work with you over several visits, pain/nausea logs, etc to properly document a previously undocumented condition. Call them and ask about it if you are interested. DO NOT go to some clinic that has you fill out a form or 'affidavit' saying you are sick and then sell you a certificate THAT visit, make sure it is over several visits. A single visit for an undocumented condition will be viewed by the court like me signing a paper I'm pregnant and getting prenatal vitamins. It just won't fly in a Section 8 hearing.

Whatever you do, the more documentation you have the better.

Good luck man.

Dr. Bob


Thank You That Info Helps Alot, Yes I Have Been Going To The Same Doctor for Years Now And It Is Well Documented That I Have Been On Adderrall For Years Now And To Be Honest My Doctor Has Always Looked Over My Bad Urine Drops For Marijuana Because He Agrees That It Helps Me But Of Course Nothings Been Documented that Marijuana Helps. Now I Need To Get Legal Within The Next To Months Due Too Other Reasons And I Don't Know What To Do. I Would Drive Anywhere In Michigan To Start The Process If I Could Get Legal Within 2 months.


That Didnt Sound How I Wanted It Too sorry im bad with words but what im saying is yes i have documents that im on adderall but no documents for nausea,,Would I Still Be Able To Get Help

buckaroo bonzai

Well-Known Member
That Didnt Sound How I Wanted It Too ...........,Would I Still Be Able To Get Help

jimmy......just go get a card......

you need to have $$ --call around find out.....we can't answer your question you need to do that on your own--

start by calling Dr Bob---he allready told you what to do--

good luck jimmy--try stay off 'metha-done' and smoke more erb-



Yeah I Guess My Question Is For The Pro's I Just Would Hate To Go Spend The Money To Be Told no,,,,I Have The Money To Get Legal But Thats About It. And I Was Just Looking For peoples opinions. But Thank You Though

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
The long and short of all this is that you need to document your conditions and reactions to meds with a doc, preferably your own primary. If you can't be open and honest with your doctor about what you feel and what helps you then you're with the wrong doctor. I mean the guy puts his finger in my ass-that's a pretty intimate relationship! I feel like I can tell him anything and he records it. if my doctor wasn't comfortable signing papers for LARA he definately would have the records of our conversations about my health to send to a doctor who would sign. If you haven't been seeing a doc-you have to. if you haven't been honest with your doc you need to be. documentation is everything.