Please help 4th week of flowering

bub kush

Its only the big fan leaves i have 10 plants and its only on 6 of them what can i do im useing canna coco nutes a.b cannazym rhizotonic boost added pk 2 days ago to my mix problem is 4-5 days old im goen to buy cannaflush anybody help me ph is always between 5.8 and 6.1 can any1 help

bub kush

600watt hps .11litre pots.air in and out temps are good havent flushed at all during grow because i can get ph to wat i want but cant get ec witout nutes


Active Member
whats ur ph run off it looks like a nitrogen def but could b do to nute lockout cause ur ph is off in ur pots


Well-Known Member
Not to worry. If you have the largest fan leaves turning yellow in week 4 of flowering that is completely normal.
At that point the plant is redirecting it's energy from producing greenery to producing flowers. The big fans are
important for turning light into chlorophyll, a form the plant converts to energy. As the fans receive less and less
nutrients they will yellow and fall off. Leave the yellow leaves on until they are more than 50% yellow. Strip too
many fans during flowering and you end up with your plants turning white. I had 3 Armaggedon I removed the fan leaves
"so the buds could get more light". WRONG.
