Please Help 1st Grow Bubbleponics...Troubles Early

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I need help ladies/gentlemen. I'm about to do my first drain and replenish tomorrow (14 days). I have noticed Roseman's photos during his grow stages and my plant's growth rate is nothing compared to his at 14 days.

My plants look weak and 2, I believe are dead or dying.

Now I think I made some killer mistakes along the way:

1 keeping the multispectrum light way too close to the plants as sprouts..

2. Over feeding...though I tried to follow roseman's Turtorial, did I give them nutelock already?

3. In this small closet i didn't have an oscillating fan blowing on them. I do now, just to circulate the air.

The leaf tips are either a bit brown and crispy, are turning downward ( signs of overfeeding) but one also seems to be wilting...?

Other than that I can't think of any other mistakes. My PH is always steady between 6.0-6.25. Temperature usually 77-81 in closet & 83-87 by the plants

Is the 8 step recovery a good idea or should I hold off?

Can anyone offer any advise?


People don't say it enough but THANK YOU Roseman, you were the sole inspiration for my purchase from Stealth Hydro...and my itch to grow. Your insites are phenomenal Thanks again.

A Humble New Grower,




Well-Known Member
Thanks for checking out this post....

I need help ladies/gentlemen. I'm about to do my first drain and replenish tomorrow (14 days). I have noticed Roseman's photos during his grow stages and my plant's growth rate is nothing compared to his at 14 days.

My plants look weak and 2, I believe are dead or dying.

Now I think I made some killer mistakes along the way:

1 keeping the multispectrum light way too close to the plants as sprouts..

2. Over feeding...though I tried to follow roseman's Turtorial, did I give them nutelock already?

3. In this small closet i didn't have an oscillating fan blowing on them. I do now, just to circulate the air.

The leaf tips are either a bit brown and crispy, are turning downward ( signs of overfeeding) but one also seems to be wilting...?

Other than that I can't think of any other mistakes. My PH is always steady between 6.0-6.25. Temperature usually 77-81 in closet & 83-87 by the plants

Is the 8 step recovery a good idea or should I hold off?

Can anyone offer any advise?


People don't say it enough but THANK YOU Roseman, you were the sole inspiration for my purchase from Stealth Hydro...and my itch to grow. Your insites are phenomenal Thanks again.

A Humble New Grower,

How big is your air pump? DWC thrives on tons of oxygen. If your air pump wasn't atleast 50 dollars, it's probably not putting out the volume you need. Remember what roseman said, under-feeding is always better then over-feeding. Error on the cautious side, if you see deficiency then increase.

Give some more specific info about your setup and people maybe able to offer you more advice.


Active Member
Thanks for checking out this post....

I need help ladies/gentlemen. I'm about to do my first drain and replenish tomorrow (14 days). I have noticed Roseman's photos during his grow stages and my plant's growth rate is nothing compared to his at 14 days.

My plants look weak and 2, I believe are dead or dying.

Now I think I made some killer mistakes along the way:

1 keeping the multispectrum light way too close to the plants as sprouts..

2. Over feeding...though I tried to follow roseman's Turtorial, did I give them nutelock already?

3. In this small closet i didn't have an oscillating fan blowing on them. I do now, just to circulate the air.

The leaf tips are either a bit brown and crispy, are turning downward ( signs of overfeeding) but one also seems to be wilting...?

Other than that I can't think of any other mistakes. My PH is always steady between 6.0-6.25. Temperature usually 77-81 in closet & 83-87 by the plants

Is the 8 step recovery a good idea or should I hold off?

Can anyone offer any advise?


People don't say it enough but THANK YOU Roseman, you were the sole inspiration for my purchase from Stealth Hydro...and my itch to grow. Your insites are phenomenal Thanks again.

A Humble New Grower,

Are you leaving your root balls in water 24/7? Stupid question but when you say
"I'm about to do my first drain and replenish tomorrow" does this mean you are replenishing your water tank or that you have left your root balls in the water constantly?
Thanks for the reply my friend...

The Airpump I have should be fine. (Pump is made by Sunleaves, SDA500: pumps 28 gal/hr) It's the pump Stealth Hydro gives you with their bubbleponics kit. It comes with a 12 inch airstone. I wouldn't think this would be the cause of my troubles but who knows...that's why I'm here.

I agree with your and Roseman's assessment: underfeeding is better than overfeeding.

Any advice fro when I drain and replenish tomorrow? Will the plants recover on their own if I keep the Nutrient dosage on the lighter side? What I mean is should I continue to feed? I'm worried about NUTE locking them out...


Are you leaving your root balls in water 24/7? Stupid question but when you say
"I'm about to do my first drain and replenish tomorrow" does this mean you are replenishing your water tank or that you have left your root balls in the water constantly?

My a few of the Net Pots have some roots about to touch the water in the reservoir.. Some of the pots don't have any signs of roots yet...

I'll tell you what...I'm learning a lot of what not to do on my first

Thanks for writing,



Elite Rolling Society
I think it might be the temp of the water is too warm, and you fed too early.

That can be fixed with a Drain and Replenish with 1/4 packet or 1/4 dose of nutes. Do you ahve a water themometer?
I feed 1/4 dose when I see 4 leaves, other than the first two round ones. I wait two days and then add a second 1/4 dose.

The lights should be about 4 inches above baby sprouts and AFTER the roots hit the deep water and the babies are over 4 inches tall, I move them closer.

The Drain and Replenish will help alot, do it asap. I'll be back. They are going to survive and thrive.
I think it might be the temp of the water is too warm, and you fed too early.

That can be fixed with a Drain and Replenish with 1/4 packet or 1/4 dose of nutes. Do you ahve a water themometer?
I feed 1/4 dose when I see 4 leaves, other than the first two round ones. I wait two days and then add a second 1/4 dose.

The lights should be about 4 inches above baby sprouts and AFTER the roots hit the deep water and the babies are over 4 inches tall, I move them closer.

The Drain and Replenish will help alot, do it asap. I'll be back. They are going to survive and thrive.

I can't thank you enough for getting back to me.

It's possible the water temp in the reservoir and feeding too high of a dose could be my early issues. The lights too close to the sprouts was a mistake as well. I experimented with my closet temperature a bit too much early on, trying for the best results.

I'm starting to realize a little bit of time=best results.

Well, I just finished my first drain and replenish. I added 1/4 pack of grow and 1/4 pack of micro Nutes, as suggested.

One thing i noticed and I wonder have you ever had this happen, if it's normal. I noticed the slightest tinge of green and little bit of a slimy feeling on my tubes inside the tank and airstone.

I cleaned everything inside the tank, including the tank with a little rubbing alcohol and warm water. I imagine it's from a bit of light getting in though the net pots, or maybe from my early temperature experiments?

Thanks Roseman,



Elite Rolling Society
There is a slightest amount of slim that gets on he tubes, but if the water temp is OK, then the water is OK.
And the SH GROW nutes will color the water a green tint. THE BLOOM nutes color it pink.

Next time, clean with 3% peroxide. You can add one table spoon as a preventative the first couple weeks, or add three tablespoons as a cure when needed for algae, and root rot.

The SMELL of the water is what you need to learn.

I'll be back, let us know how they are doing.
There is a slightest amount of slim that gets on he tubes, but if the water temp is OK, then the water is OK.
And the SH GROW nutes will color the water a green tint. THE BLOOM nutes color it pink.

Next time, clean with 3% peroxide. You can add one table spoon as a preventative the first couple weeks, or add three tablespoons as a cure when needed for algae, and root rot.

The SMELL of the water is what you need to learn.

I'll be back, let us know how they are doing.
Thanks for the advice, It helped for a couple days. I noticed a positive change in my plants.

I'm still having troubles. More troubles than before I'm afraid...

The lower leaves (not the bottom of the leaves) on my plants are dying. It's starts like this...a slight browning on the tips of the lower leaves, then about 12 hours later the browning color spreads and a gray- yellowing begins to take place. That process continues all the way up the leaf. I have also noticed plant growth has come to a halt.

I used a tablespoon of 3% peroxide and now the water in the reservoir is cloudy.
Noticing a very slight foot-like odor coming from the reservoir only when the tank is uncovered/exposed.

The plants don't seem to have a rich green color. I know they are youngsters but, I don't know... maybe I'm just grasping at straws? Could the lights be bleaching the Chlorophyll?

Could it be?:

- Potassium Deficiency
- Nitrogen Deficiency
- Wind burn
- Over Watering? -Don't see how that's possible with bubble ponics, all pots are draining perfectly, but...?

I don't think it has anything to do with the lighting. I could keep my hand under the lights all day...They're about 6-7 inches above the plants right now. It can't be heat stress, room is 70-80 at most & 85 under the lights at most.

It's not nute burn I'm being super cautious not to overfeed...

Air is being circulated by an oscillating fan about 7 feet away.

PH according to the SH strips is 6.0-6.25 consistently.

I'm at a loss...Any Ideas,

Thanks to All,




Elite Rolling Society
I would not increase the nutes or add more peroxide and I'd wait a day or two and see how they do.