Please Give Me Some Input ~1st Grow


This Is My First Grow And Im using cfl's All the way through, This is Day 28 Of flowering these random bag seeds i got from some commercial smoke any input would be highly appreciated especially if you may know anything about what strain this may be. Thank you for your time



Active Member
Seems to be going ok, you should do some research on FIM'ming, TOPping SCROGing etc as with CFL's its vital you create a canopy as the lumen droppoff range is so short.


A Few Of The Hairs Are Turning Like A red Color And I'am Noticing sugary looking crystals on the little leaves right around all the bud spots What Are Those? And How Much More Flowering You Think I Should do? I Will try and take better pics


Well I Was Hoping There Would Be Some People Who Could Possibly Answer Questions For Me,,,,Anyways After Reading About Scrog I'am Going To Try It Next Time! Some Plants I Seen Looked More Like Art Then A Weed Lol There Is Nothing Better Than Beautifal Plants


Active Member
Keep in mind not all growers are glued to the pc 24/7 Jimmy. SOme has lifes offline which prevent them logging on every you must relax an control the persistant bug your sitting on lol

Why not look over the stickies on offer all over the fourm, you might find your lost in the gigabites of infomation which many many experinced growers have taken hours of there own time to post for yourself an everyone else to read over.

i spend more time reading the golddust type knowledge which are plastered allover this fourm thanks to many expeirnced growers took time out of there buy slives to pre made an them post with all the detail which they put into the stickies.

Oh an nice plant pics by the way.


Well-Known Member
Keep in mind not all growers are glued to the pc 24/7 Jimmy. SOme has lifes offline which prevent them logging on every you must relax an control the persistant bug your sitting on lol

Here some "imput" you might not realise about growing fourms like this one your posting on.

Some may not have answers to your questions so they wont post. I have no idea what your growing there myself but i felt like letting you know that sometimes it can take a few days for people to long onto here an then notice your post before/after they have checked/updated/posted on there own diarys not to mention other diarys they maybe subscribed to.

and then theres researching which they maybe logging on here to do themselfs. NOt to mention they might hav e a few dozen PMs from friends or even be mentoring others which can take up time.

SO relax. Why not look over the stickies on offer all over the fourm, you might find your lost in the gigabites of infomation which many many experinced growers have taken hours of there own time to post for yourself an everyone else to read over.

i spend more time reading the golddust type knowledge which are plastered allover this fourm thanks to many expeirnced growers took time out of there buy slives to pre made an them post with all the detail which they put into the stickies.

hope you understand what im saying because your a little to impaitent and you need to it time. same as growing...They wont just go from seed to Huge bushed with epic sized buds in the space of 3 hours. cause of they did well th eworld would be a pretty dam site more happy place.

Oh an nice plant pics by the way.
you made your point in the first paragrapaph...the other 1000 words or so wasnt really needed ..just sayin.

what are the crystals
thats the stuff that gets you high lol...the more the better !!!

next time i would suggest using bigger pots that have drainage holes at bottom..also get a temp gauge so you know your high and low in your grow space..can get one for under $5 at wal mart..other than that add more lighting if you can and keep leaning by the time ur ready for the next grow um sure you will have a good idea of the updated setup you will run with


Active Member
Looks good bro...jsut read read read and read some more..then read it all again! lol plants do look good !

FIM/topping is a good subject to read learning myself but wow my babie are lookin good


Sorry I wasnt tring to be persistent, I just joined this forum and wasnt sure how big it was i know in other forums if your post isnt responded to in the first few hours it gets lost by other peoples new post,,,,anyways Yes Bigger Pots is a must for me, I noticed as my plants grew i kept adding to my grow set up and i will get a temp guage too, So is the crystals Thc or another cannabinoid? huh they sure are pretty though. And I have read hours and hours on here and when i wake up im glued back to the screen so i agree with ya on that, thank you for your input guys I'am actually logging a journal for improvements for next time so thank you


Well-Known Member
there's nothing wrong with persistence man, don't let anyone discourage you from asking questions, ...with the caveat that the more information you can find on your own the faster you will become a true cultivator and not just some noob with a few plants in his closet.

...if you remember that while this is new to you, it isn't new so pretty much ANY question you could have has already been asked many times so if you train yourself to always go looking for your answers FIRST, you will learn MUCH faster, ...and you will ask more difficult questions, lol.

anyway, here's a couple pics of a CFL light setup you could put together for very small money that would greatly increase your lumens, AND your buds.

P4020020.jpg P5040008.jpg DSCI0095.jpg

peace, bozo


Sweet I like that bel air lighting fixture how convenient, your right im better off looking for my answers first I wasnt aware of the depth of this forum I just signed up and shot away with questions but yea that set up is something like i'am looking for so next time I will be better off prepared, Thanks for the info man,