PLEASE give me an answer to this


Well-Known Member
I have an outdoor grow coming up. I'm only going to have 4 plants. Trainwreck, Cheese, Pakistani Auto and Afghan Kush Auto. I'm growing for personal use. I need it very badly and these are my only seeds (don't have the money to get anymore).

I bought a humidity dome with the jiffy peat plugs that go with it. I read earlier from one source that you shouldn't use peat plugs to germinate seeds though. Is this true or not?? If I germinate in a paper towel then go straight into a starter mix, how do I simulate the HIGH humidity that they say is needed? Is it really that important? An answer to this question would really be appreciated. I just can't mess these seeds up. I'm really relying on everything to go well and get some bud to smoke for pain.


Active Member
okay so ive used peat plugs once before and honestly prefer the paper towel in a bag method. to keep the humidity in the dome i usually just spray the inside with water whenever it dries, then keep like 2 to 3 cfls directly over the top of the dome(almost touching) because the heat generated will keep the dome warm but id put a warming pad underneath it or a heater next to it


Well-Known Member
put them between folded paper towels, i fold mine twice. wet them with some spring water, pond water, anything but city tap water and either put in plastic bag or let sit and keep moist. thats all there is to it dont let them grow into the towel check them twice a day when they pop put them a quarter inch under your seed mix. good luck.


Well-Known Member
and do as mr organic says keep warm i put mine on top of my tv and cover so its dark. i dont have a lcd as you can tell.


Active Member
yeah i have a florescent shop light thats is on 24/7 for my clones and i just put it on top of the built in balast and it gets plenty warm.
but if you only have tap water that will work...
its just not reccomended since it has chorlene and flouride in it


Well-Known Member
Thanks, yes I know the paper towel method and have always had 100% germination with that method. Its just after I saw the tap root, I was planning on putting it into a peat plug with the tap root down and putting that in a humidity dome. I don't think I'm going to mess with the peat though.

I'm just going to use the paper towel method, germinate it, stick it in a container with a starter mix and keep it heated. Once it comes out of the soil I'm going to move them outside during the day in direct sunlight. If the low's stay in the 60's here like it has been, I'll just leave them out all night too.

I'm going to let the seeds grow in the starter mix for about 2-3 weeks, then transplant them to their permanent home. I'll be digging some big holes and filling it with a soil mixture containing Fox Farm's Ocean Forest, perlite, worm castings and a little light warrior.

Does this sound like a pretty good plan to every one? The locations of the holes I'm going to dig will be a place I found in the woods with small 8-10 ft pine trees that gets direct sunlight pretty much all day long.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
stick it in a container with a starter mix and keep it heated. Once it comes out of the soil I'm going to move them outside during the day in direct sunlight. If the low's stay in the 60's here like it has been, I'll just leave them out all night

that's what I'd do. I honestly have had poor luck with the peat pellets, my clones are great but IDK user error moist likely. Just keep em moist and warm till they germinate and than take any dome off your using. IMO I wouldn't put them outside until you were ready to transplant from the starter mix just so they are a little bit less dependant on you every minute and get them used to the outdoors before leaving them out full time. GL I wish i had a spot:(


Active Member
um in reply to putting them out in the Direct light, i would not advise that. you should put them where a tree will shade them when the sun is hottest(unless it hasnt gotten warm where you live, its like 90 here already lol) just for a few days so they get used to the sun