Please for the love of god legalise it!


Basically, my brother's friend said he would sell him some weed, 10 quid a gram. My bro said he would buy 2 grams and for him to meet him down a designated road.

Guy turns up in a car with his friends in it, they take the 20 quid then speed off, my bro held on to the car for a while and got a little bit scraped but ofc they got away.

Fucked up thing is... This "dealer" is a guy we know, he goes to our school in my brothers year. I can't believe he had the cheek to steal from my bro... It's not like they won't see each other again at party's and shit, where my brother would ask for the 20 quid back/the weed he was promised.

Not like the dealer would be able to do shit, no one would side with him if they knew he stole money.

Basically this guy is a fucked up shit-head (excuse my language haha) that will be getting no more business from us, or any one we know for that matter, as we will tell all our mates not to do business.

Haha, cheeky bastard... Just showing the fucked up things we have to deal with because it's not legal... Dealing with pricks that us normal, hard-working people with morals and our heads screwed on correctly would not have to deal with just to get something as simple and innocent as a herb! :cry:


Well-Known Member
No offense but your brothers kind of dumb. At least he will see him later so he can beat the shit out of him.I'd be headed for his house right now. That was obviously not his friend and is a lesson learned not to just give people your money.
"I can't believe he had the cheek"- god bless you brits keep me lmao


Well-Known Member
It's a shame you can't trust people you think are friends. Beat his ass and be done with him.


My brother isn't dumb... This guy sells weed all the time and has even sold to us before so he wasn't expecting it at all. He's a dick, and it's a shame we have to deal with them to get a little herb.

Beating him up is surely not the answer (although he easily could... dealer is about 5foot nothing and scrawny while my bro is at least 6 foot 2 and about 15 stone.) We will just ask for the 20 quid back and sure enough he will give it back through peer pressure.


Well-Known Member
dude that sucks, move to alaska, weeds bomb, people are not dicks and you get money every year just for living here.

up to 25 plants and 4 oz dried under the alaska right to privacy act.


Haha that's sick! I like where I am living though at the moment... At the end of the day, weed is not the only thing in life. I just want to have a very occasional smoke without feeling like a criminal! If I was a heavy smoker and weed was top of my priority list then I would definitely move somewhere where it was legal and ofc grow my own :P

I'm not really a heavy smoker at all though. I love weed but don't want to become an addict or anything, I want to look forward to my next smoke you know? At the moment I'm probably lighting up once every 3 months or something.. Maybe not even that.


Yep he is. At the moment his business strategy seems to be to either actually sell weed, or steal your money without giving you squat.


Well-Known Member
go steal his money you said he was a little shrimp. grow some balls and go get your money