What is HTH Rky?
HTH pool shock.

i'm sure you can find a UK source of it or something very similar. if i remember correctly, it's 52% calcium hypochlorite. i used 0.30 grams per 10 gallons for 3ppm chlorine. up to 5ppm is safe for humans and plants.
I can not thank you lads enough for all the help you have given me.

So we are now sterile. I can buy of ebay Calcium hypochlorite ( active chlorine ) content of 26.2 - 32.3 g/100

Dropped the bennies..True. Reluctantly dropped the Humic.....Sorry I lied.:oops: Dropped the LAB (thanks athomegrowing)..True.
Have already ordered the Canna Boost so will have to go with that maybe half dose.

Rky when I add the calcium hypochlorite how do I calculate how much to use and do I add it at every top up or to my feed tank?
Rky when I add the calcium hypochlorite how do I calculate how much to use and do I add it at every top up or to my feed tank?

depends what % cal hypo your brand is.

based on 52%, 0.10 grams per 10 gallons is 1ppm. safe range is 1 to 5 ppm.

if your water temps are high or you have rot, go for closer to 5.

i ran at 3ppm. i dosed once a week with every res change. you could go up to 2x/week.

search RIU for jijiandfarmgang thread about running a sterile reservoir. she explains the calculations better than i can.
HTH pool shock.

i'm sure you can find a UK source of it or something very similar. if i remember correctly, it's 52% calcium hypochlorite. i used 0.30 grams per 10 gallons for 3ppm chlorine. up to 5ppm is safe for humans and plants.
For what its worth, I never once have used any type of cleaner. No h202, poll shock, once, nothing. Before a chiller, yes. But once temps are n check, I never needed it.
A waste of money, just rely on your base nutes, their good enough

Not all that much money for foliar feeding.

Fulvic acid - A little transport truck small enough to drive through the leaves of cannabis plants, yummy fulvic. The trucks are full of food, seaweed extract well known to make roots explode, more yummy. Yucca Extract will just spread that whole lot of seaweed goodness across your leaves like spreading butter on hot toast, mmmee tasty.

Maybe two or three quid for a full grow
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Anyone in the UK looking for bennies I found this: The Nutrient Company TNC BactorrS13 - Beneficial Bacteria for Compost Tea.

Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, B. brevis, B. cirulans, B. coagulans, B. firmus, B. halodenitrificans, B. laterosporus, B. licheniformis, B. megaterium, B. mycoides, B. pasteuri, B. polymyxa, B. subtilis


Soluble humates, Natural plant hormones, amino acids, vitamins and trace elements derived from Ascophylum nodosum

(1.3×1011cfu/kg) is this strong?

They also do

TNC TricorrP5

Trichoderma hamatum
T. harzianum
T. koningii
T. longibrachiatum
T. reesei
(each at 1 x 1011cfu/kg)

Bacillus subtilis
B. amyloliquefaciens
B. licheniformis
(each at 4 x 1011cfu/kg)

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