Please check my grow room plans and let me know what you think

First of all thanks for taking the time to help me.

Second I drew these plans with a childs software drawing package. If it looks a little childish.... it is.

My thoughts were.

1. it would be nice to vent the heat from the light into the
know for heat. Brrr cold where I live

2. Maybe a 600 CFM fan mounted at the end of the line in the crawlspace
would be enough to draw enough air to cool that Reflector/light.

3. I want to put the 600 CFM Fan and the Ballast in the Crawlspace to put that heat down there and to put that noise down there

4. Do I really need a intake fan into the cabinet and a outtake fan? I was thinking the outtake fan would suffice.

5. I was also thinking that venting straight into the lung room which by the way is a 12' x 10' bedroom would be OK from the cabinet.... especially considering that the light is ventilated to the crawlspace. Also to consider is that the light ventilation would basically be drawing air into the room via a vent in the floor from the crawlspace.

Please share any comments/thoughts on all of the above. I'm virgin at this
sort of thing and don't want to make any big dumb mistakes.

All my best to you!

File: grow cabinet.doc
Too Big huh?....... I was just thinking with the 2 elbows in the line and the length of the duct approx 25 foot that I might need it to be that big.


Well-Known Member
i use 750 cfm for 1400 watts. fans push beter than they pull and you dont want to heat up fan with the hot air from light.