Please ban me from politics forum

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Well-Known Member
The title of this very thread is stated in a way that no American would ever use.

Twopump, you are one desperate, stupid, whiny bitch

Is it any wonder you’ve had to be banned so often?

Even the Russians pretending to be Americans do a better job at this than you do. You uneducated white hick redneck dumbass
Post your proof. You can’t. He has.

Never been banned before. This has been my one and only account. Lol you’re sad man. Pretty pathetic these days actually


Well-Known Member
Facts are he’s posted pics of him, his wife, him in uniform and his military ID. Unless YOU can prove him wrong based off of something other than how he types then stfu.
"prove a negative". Ahh, no, that's not the way it works. He talks as if he's a troll. His persona here is exactly what a troll would set up. He came onto the site telling far more about himself than a real person would. The images he posted are exactly the kind of thing a fake poster would use. In fact, those images are good evidence that he is an effin Russian troll. A private person would have to be an idiot to give away that kind of personal information. He's not an idiot. He's very good at memorizing fake news and regurgitating it here. Of course, he can't defend the fake BS because it is. Is this proof? Not for a court of law but it is enough for here.

Also, the person in the photos he posted is a young man in good health. The person in the photos on his grow page is an old man with swollen ankles indicative of heart disease or cirrhosis of the liver. . From the look of his calves, he's fat too. So, not very convincing for two reasons.

He'd better start working out, what with all the fights that he wants to start. He pm'd me telling me he was going to do me violence. I don't take it seriously but from the condition on display in his grow log, he should watch his mouth. All I have to do is play defense and wait for him to get winded. Not that I want to fight him at all, just saying I don't think he's physically up to the performance he boasts about.

Speaking of willingly sucking down lies. Von Mises Institute. LOL


Well-Known Member
These days?

As opposed to other days when you were posting as twopump?

You just make this too easy for me. You’re so fucking stupid

No wonder you need help from whiny retarded Russians
Can you prove him wrong? No. He posted his proof. Where’s yours??

The two pump thing is old. This has been my one and only account. Idk who or what two pump is. Must be some inside joke between you and your goon squad


Well-Known Member
I mean I’ve been going hard for a month and have 298 messages. Can you imagine 144,000 posts? That is close to 50 posts a day for over 10 years. None in grow all in politics. Non stop trolling. And he has more than one account... that is obvious.
Human caused climate change is geo engineering



Well-Known Member
"prove a negative". Ahh, no, that's not the way it works. He talks as if he's a troll. His persona here is exactly what a troll would set up. He came onto the site telling far more about himself than a real person would. The images he posted are exactly the kind of thing a fake poster would use. In fact, those images are good evidence that he is an effin Russian troll. A private person would have to be an idiot to give away that kind of personal information. He's not an idiot. He's very good at memorizing fake news and regurgitating it here. Of course, he can't defend the fake BS because it is. Is this proof? Not for a court of law but it is enough for here.

Also, the person in the photos he posted is a young man in good health. The person in the photos on his grow page is an old man with swollen ankles indicative of heart disease or cirrhosis of the liver. . From the look of his calves, he's fat too. So, not very convincing for two reasons.

He'd better start working out, what with all the fights that he wants to start. He pm'd me telling me he was going to do me violence. I don't take it seriously but from the condition on display in his grow log, he should watch his mouth. All I have to do is play defense and wait for him to get winded. Not that I want to fight him at all, just saying I don't think he's physically up to the performance he boasts about.

Speaking of willingly sucking down lies. Von Mises Institute. LOL
Again, until someone of importance can prove him wrong I choose to believe him. Making the claims he’s made will get him called out real quick and if he’s lying it wouldn’t be hard to prove. So far no one but you clowns has said anything about him. Most of the time everyone jumps on stolen valor but it’s only you and buck this time so I say you’re wrong. I don’t agree with some of his views and conspiracies but he hasn’t been proven wrong for being a vet. You and buck are degenerates


Well-Known Member
Check out new thread exposing uncle buck
What thread? (snicker)

Yes it was deleted. I read what you wrote and replied. By the time I could finish the thread was deleted. I don't know why but I'm sure you think you do. Anyway, to recap my reply, the "evidence" you posted didn't confirm what you said. In fact, None of your "evidence" even contained a whiff of what you claimed.

Sort of like your claims about Seth Rich. You've given good reason to be skeptical of everything you say. So, do better next time, hmm? I give you an F for your previous work. Poor effort, not well thought through and your so-called evidence doesn't even say what you claim it does.

I think Russian trolls should be banned. I think you are a Russian troll.

Just my opinion. I don't have any pull with moderators.


Well-Known Member
“Bad look for site”

Bad, but still better than Olaf

Yes, you are the proof that Russians pretending to be Americans come here to spam. So is Olaf. Do is “mynameissolo” and the dozens of other obvious Russian socks we have chased away

Or do you think Americans say things like “I make visit to”? be fair, I make visit to strip club, comrade


Well-Known Member
You messed with the wrong one buddy. You have been pissing in the wind and ruining people’s lives for years and pushing vets to suicide. It’s going to come back on you that I can promise. Just throw uncle bucks name in there and look at the history of uncle buck.
I've been pushing vets to suicide? Do tell.


Well-Known Member

I don't know if you are a Russian, Saudi, N Korean, or a for real good ole US of A vet.

I wish you the best in life, but online you are a menace regurgitating all of these played out Trump foreign troll propaganda. All because dear leaders scheme of owning the libs fell apart and he needs some cover whipping up the crazy online.
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