plausible deniability for drug tests

Hi guys,

Regarding employer drug tests, I was wondering if having been to Holland for example and having legally used cannabis there would serve as a defence against a drug test positive?
If so, how recent would the trip need to be?



Well-Known Member

My guess.

It would go like this. "you tested positive for THC on your drug screen".."but I was in Holland where its legal"..."Ok Buh bye"

It really would not matter, I do not think it is a question of is it legal where you smoked. But more like "we do not hire people who smoke".

That is my guess.
My question didn't relate directly to hire tests, but rather tests during employment.
In the UK you cannot dismiss someone unless there is evidence of misconduct or incompetence. Summary dismissal is possible in the event they can prove you broke the law, which can be used to dismiss a drug user. However the Holland defence somewhat negates that.

I guess employment law in the US is somewhat different so it's a complicated subject.