platinum bubba kush


New Member
What's up fellas, got some platinum bubba kush wondering what the average yield outdoors is in a five gallon pot, and if there's anything I can do to boost this, thanx.


Well-Known Member
outdoors, plant into the ground if possible. if not, get as big of a container as possible, 10 gal minimum, unless you plan to water every single day. You may still have to water everyday, even then, if you're in a hot or dry climate; i'd go with 20 gal if you've got the budget for that much soil. Try to get it at least 6 hours straight of direct sunlight daily, use a shade cloth if the sun is too intense. Def don't put a plastic black pot in the sun, it will absorb heat and mess with your root system's comfort level.

Your yield will be in proportion to the pot size, as well as the amount of sunlight, and inversely related to how much stress it will receive. Use rich organic soil, as well as adding a 'beneficial bacteria tea' and/or 'nutrient tea'. Don't just add stuff you bought at the hydro store cause the guy told you so!


New Member
Right on bro, yeah I got them set in five gallon pots because they are in a greenhouse, the space I have for in the ground I am going to put blu dream, I have 8 spots for in the ground and 8 for in the ground, I should just put them all in ground huh???? But I got the exact amount a soil for half ground, half five gall pots, but maybe I should just put a smaller amount a soil in the ground and plant them in that instead a the bucket, Thank you bro, appreciate the help


Well-Known Member
You can always cut the bottom off the pots, and plant those in the ground, then you can keep the pot out of the sun, and save 6" to a foot of soil by leaving the top of the hole empty for the pot? In-ground would likely do the better yields, but pots can work, too. I've read a lot about growing outside out of general interest, but have not done it personally.

If you're working with a greenhouse, I'll bet you've got some idea how to grow plants, so when in doubt, stick with that. Make sure they get at least 6 hours of direct (thru a light shade, shade-cloth, or similar light-foliage, is fine, but not too dense) sun each day. Make sure they get food, but not too much; less is more, go straight-organic for taste. Make sure they get plenty of water, then get time to get pretty dry between waterings. A lot more problems are caused by overwatering, but you will learn the watering schedule the plants want, by watching their posture, no kidding. They should reach out and up when they are watered and drinking, and happy. The leaves will slowly relax to just reach straight out, then straight out and slightly-down, then continue relaxing and lowering down as the plant dries out.

The idea is to interpret your plant's water needs by: plant posture, watering schedule, and of course, feeling or poking a moisture meter into the soil/ground to feel if it's very wet or very dry or somewhere in-between. Also lifting the pot is a helpful test; it's much lighter when dry, try doing a hand-lift test before/after each watering and that can really give you a good idea what's doing under the hood. In-ground, I guess it's just posture and schedule. Water needs typically increase during the lifespan of a plant, up to the middle/late-mid flower when water amounts should be lessened 1/3 or so for need and mold-prevention. Speaking soil here, not hydro, but I'm sure applies in soilless mix too.

I'm interested in your setup now. Throw some more description or pics up if you would like, and i'll look closer. Anyway, I'm not sure of of the above you asked for but you got it anyway. :D

Looked at original to boost yields? Give plant an easy and healthy life BY: fertile growing-space with consistent, proper-range/non-extreme humid/temp, plenty of water, fresh air, and light, and space to grow. Those 5-gal pots will be a problem on the last count... I think ya gotta get em into bigger pots, or the ground.