Plastic or Ceramic or Pottery? What is the best pot to use indoors?


What type of pot is the best to use when growing indoors? Plastic or a clay pot or ceramic? Does it matter? :weed:


Well-Known Member
i only use plastic, think its just easier all the way round including $.i drill holes in top edge for bondage...peace


Well-Known Member
The guy at my local hydro shop sold me on the fabric pots, he said he's personally tested practically every pot on the market and the fabric ones work the best, easy to work with, excellent drainage and fairly cheap. The brand I was using are called Aero Pots, there are several fabric pots on the market but my local hydro shop only carries Aero and Smart pots and the Aero Pots are better, they are slightly thicker and have handles. From what Ive heard the best fabric pots are called Eco Pots however I haven't found them locally yet and I even Googled them and got no results, I think I heard that WeGrow carries them so I'll have to check it out.


Well-Known Member
Terracotta pottery pots would be great choice - they are cheap and beautiful to give natural look , something like this
Yea a buddy of mine took horticulture in college where he learned that pottery, particularly terracotta, works very well for potting plants as its porous which helps to oxygenate/dry the soil, in essence they let the soil breath, however that was 13 years ago, now fabric seems to be the pot of choice as they work better, are easier to use (don't break/chip/crack) and are MUCH CHEAPER! Speaking of cheap, that potterymarket site you linked to emilylebla seems quite expen$ive for simple clay pots, especially with $hipping, OUCH! You can get very similar pottery at walmart for much cheaper or nicer (slightly more $$) pottery at OSH or Home Depot. Seriously though, do some reasearch on fabric pots vrs others and you'll see they are better.