Plasma with 2x Magnum Plus LEDS over Girl Scout Cookie/DR120 Twin


Well-Known Member
From these past couple days Ive come into conclusion that I will always need to leave my tent slightly open. But I geuss it's ok, it don't bother me none, if anything the noise and light help me sleep better at night, and not to mention it provides warmth. But reguardless I'm still looking for ways to combat heat. I'll take Konassure advise into consideration, especially the dry ice and co2.
One method I'm currently experimenting with is putting a window fan on a time and some how tunneling the wind my curtains into the tent. So far seems likes it working, I just need to figure out how many times a hour I should have it on.
Now that I think about it, I stop playing with dry ice when I was a kid because my friend almost went blind by messing around with a dry ice
You should look into my portable Cooler Foreverflyhi! They sell them on The store is in Van Nuys. I have my temps at 73-78 max right now with it on, with everything closed in my DR 120


Well-Known Member
she slowing down, picking up resin and weight. purple showing about 40 percent of whole plant. seriously have a sweet coco og smell, truly one of a kind.

as for lighting, this plasma is well worth the investment thus far.

reading other plasma journals, most growers seem to agree its a great supplemental light. as do i

cant wait for my next grow, got something exciting going


other plants n a garden,
(sorry for bad quality, dont really have time to focus on taking goo pics, but planning on to.)

lemon skunk (skunks are my 2nd fav genetics)

check the aliens in the dr120twin, she has this old carpet soaked by a filthy wet dog mixed WITH OVERPOWERING OG KUSHINESS smell


Pepe le skunk

Well-Known Member
Nice results so far flyhi. Interested in learning more about the LED's and the best choice. I use a few 1 Watt LED's on my fish tanks and they help the aquatic plants grow like crazy. Most have a high Kelvin rating like 10K and some include the blue color LED's in the 420 -480nm range. Best option for a fish/ plant tank IMO.

One interesting tid bit from the thread was that smaller yeilding plants are usually the more potent plants is confirmed in my findings and something Sub cool wrote in his book Dank. Referring to Tiny Bomb (Space Queen Pheno)(Romulan X C99) "The larger, leafier females that yeild more and grow faster and easier are NEVER as potent as the smaller ones that put more effort into resin production and less into yield. Therefore these strains are extremely potent." He gives a few examples of these strains that yield low, but are bomb. G-13, Apolo, Genius, OG Kush and others which are known to be incredibly potent. I have seen this in an old grow of G-13 X Blueberry. One was super short G-leaning but was just covered in raised trich's and was killer smoke. I'll post a pick if anyones interested.
Good luck with the cookies. Cheers


Well-Known Member
Nice results so far flyhi. Interested in learning more about the LED's and the best choice. I use a few 1 Watt LED's on my fish tanks and they help the aquatic plants grow like crazy. Most have a high Kelvin rating like 10K and some include the blue color LED's in the 420 -480nm range. Best option for a fish/ plant tank IMO.

One interesting tid bit from the thread was that smaller yeilding plants are usually the more potent plants is confirmed in my findings and something Sub cool wrote in his book Dank. Referring to Tiny Bomb (Space Queen Pheno)(Romulan X C99) "The larger, leafier females that yeild more and grow faster and easier are NEVER as potent as the smaller ones that put more effort into resin production and less into yield. Therefore these strains are extremely potent." He gives a few examples of these strains that yield low, but are bomb. G-13, Apolo, Genius, OG Kush and others which are known to be incredibly potent. I have seen this in an old grow of G-13 X Blueberry. One was super short G-leaning but was just covered in raised trich's and was killer smoke. I'll post a pick if anyones interested.
Good luck with the cookies. Cheers
Well said and I agree, from experience the smaller yielding plants are by far more resinous. I have a homie that kept a super lemon haze runt that is just fucking amazing but super small yields


Well-Known Member
So I've been doing some hard thinking about my setup, has anyone ever tried switching back and forward from led to hps?
y'all think this will stress/stunt the plant?
Should I try it out with one of my plants?
I know it won't hurt to try, but curious about any ones experience? Thoughts? Ideas?
Sorry to be late here, but saw your post on SDS' amazing DIY led thread.

Instead of popping in a hps, look at the SPG (spectrum) and attempt to duplicate with leds. Lots of terrific WW/NW/CW are available now that weren't a few months ago. DIY, or have SDS make you a couple panels (2-4) and drop them in on angles, Ganga 2 style and rock the house.

You might also do a super simple DIY using a couple vanity fixtures + the new Utilitech 22w/1600 lumens (100w equiv) and a few Philips 12.5w (though they have a 17w out now). Bulbs are available in 5000K, which I believe is pretty close to HID

Here's how I did it. Since adding the 22w 4 days ago, the BrandX WHx has taken off like a rocket. First pic is when I had a 4 bulb vanity. Yesterday I relaced it with a 3 bulb, which was sturdier



Well-Known Member
Been Really Busy, life is Going Really Good, Got A Promotion Which means Less work, less hours, but more pay! And Best of All, More Time In My Hands.
harvested Couple days Ago. Heres Some pics before Harvest
give Me a Couple Days And Ill Post After Harvest Then Eventually Dry Product.
Also On The Works Of my New Project which im Sure Yall Will Dig, picture different organic styles, less energy, compact scrog, and of Course dank ogs!!! Hear Me Knockin? Well Let Me In!

image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg

Bird Gymnastics

New Member
I am super late to this thread but nice job! I had two questions regarding the plasma light. First, is your plasma light air cooled? Second, how hot did your plasma light run compared to normal 1kw HPS? I have 4 HPS now in my breeding room but wanted to add a plasma light, I was thinking of grabbing a gavita plasma air cooled. Your answers will greatly effect my overall decision. Thanks for your knowledge and your grow.



Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, sorry for lag on results, will have proper results gathered up along with new grow by tommorow.

Birdgymnastics, this is not a air cooled plasma. I was thinking about designing my own air tube, but after some research and guidance from a friend of mine, i decided not too. Apparently plasma units work best when hot. Not sure why but thats what i was told. The chamilion lights that are air cooled and have that cool water proof design are nice, but was told that its next to impossible to fix if something where to go wrong.
I highly reccomened you get yourself a plasma. Gavitas are probaley the best and well backed by the company, highly reccomend. them. Whazzup, a current member of riu and thcfarmer, is a great guy with mad knowledge on this subject, look for him and hit him up, he works for gavita and can def help u out.

In comparison to a 1000 watter, well if your talking about a side by side test for yield def a 1k. but if your talking about a replacement or add on then yes well worth it. less energy and great veg and a huge boost for quality, well well worth it. plasma is your light. Just be warn they get hot!
I say wait for the new plasma generation coming out, or take advantage of the current models reduced price tags. If im not mistaken the new models will have a sta-75 which is 500 watts? Damn can imagine that being a great grow light!!!


Well-Known Member
I believe the spectrum and its stability are effected by the temperature of the light. Excited to see some nugs, friend!


Well-Known Member
Nice journal Fly. Thanks for sharing it.

Now that your through the grow I had a couple questions you might be able to answer.

Regarding the plasma:

less energy and great veg and a huge boost for quality
Based on your comment are you saying the plasma is not going to stand on it's own for flowering?

The draw on the mag+ is 357 watts each the draw on plasma is 300 watts I believe
Now that you've run two mag+ @ 714 watts + the 300 watts of plasma would you say the plasma/hps combo @ presumably 1300 watts was the better producer than the 1,014 watts of plasma/LED? Based on the cost of the plasma/LED that setup would have to significantly outperform the plasma/HPS run to have it make economic sense since the energy savings, based on your setup, is negligible.

As to veg with the plasma are you of the opinion that the 300 watt plasma significantly outperforms say a 400 or 600 watt MH at veg and does it cover as large an area that would make it worth the investment?

You may not know this but if you do great. If the new and improved generation plasma is 500 watts is that supposed to add value in terms of flowering or just more photons @ veg? Doesn't the 300 watter already cover the veg side adequately? Again if it's plasma just for veg and you had been using the new and improved 500 watt plasma model with the two mag+ LEDS now your power consumption would have been pretty much equal to the 1000watt HPS/LED combo. IMO seems to me if the plasma can do a 4 x 4 area veg @ 100 or even 150 watts comparable to a 400-600 watt metal halide that might be the better direction of decreasing the plasma wattage rather than increasing it just for the sake of vegetative growth. Maybe I'm missing something though.

Where in San Diego is that cup going to be held? Do you have a link? I might have to make it to that one.

Looking forward to your smoke report and the next run. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Whats up everyone, im sure lots of people are like WTF? Where are the results?

im sorry friends i got hacked and wasnt able to log in, finally got it solved.
Also i ernt thru some legal trouble and had to lay low. No worries all is good.
currently at work and when i get home ill look for pictures of finished product (if i still have them) and thoughts. Thanks for anyone concerns and sorry for the inconvenience of not finishing this journal.
truly missed this community