Plasma Lights


Well-Known Member
If that's what plasma lights do, I dont want one. However, to be fair, it's a 300 watt grow with some guy saying "i think its dun, look at dis strand" at week 6. I think the grower in the video needs a serious growing education, very abysmal looking plants to be a grower candidate for a comparison video...............

Plus, who would want a 300 watt plasma light? Gotta get us up to 140,000 lumens before we'll switch..............


New Member
I have supplied a 300 watt EFDL with three wavelengths of red and far red to a grower on 420 mag to start a journal in couple of weeks.
If you are interested in Luxim LiFi lights here are a few facts. Luxim LiFi was first designed for the rear projection tv market and Panasonic used them exclusivly starting in 07. Since LCD,Plasma and now LED tv's have taken over, Luxims market went out the window. Now they are marketing these in the street lighting market as well as horticulture market. They are very pricey however if you do a search you can find these lights for about $600. I found a company that deals them as a diy projector kit. It comes with a LiFi light and driver with a power supply. Far cry from $7000 chameleon wants! However be warned there are classaction lawsuits agianst Panasonic because there tv's LiFi lights were failing only after six months to a year. I don't know if Luxim has fixed the problem or not.
Here is a link to our 300 watt EFDL grow
You can watch the grow from start to finish. By the way our light is 2700K unlike indagro's 5300K That's why it looks so yellow in the vid.
We hope to greatly improve our light by adding the three wavelengths of red LED and we will be replacing the 2700K with our new 2100K after the new year. Keep an eye on the journal on 420 mag. finnally to say Induction is a fancy fluoro that last along time is incorrect. These lights are way brighter than any cfl to the point were you can't stare at them for only a few seconds without being blinded.
Link please?



New Member
The links are in the post you quoted and then in post #24........
Thanx kitty but I am not speaking of that lame attempt to show off what, I do not know.

I meant the 420 grow journal thread he said he donated equipment for so we can follow a grow and if done honestly?? we will have something to consider


ps- checked out your grow and I must say very impressive....Always knew girls can grow.....well YOU can for sure....props:clap:

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
Thanks goes to Backpacker 3 on
11 day lapse

Not really a side-by-side comparison but it shows that the light at least works.


New Member
Thats a nice 11 day result.

yes it is...these sulfur plasma lights show alot of promise...spectrum could still use a little tweaking that is possible...the problem at the moment is the cost is prohibitive for our application...but from what I have read that is on the brink of changing as a major manufacturing hurdle has recently been surpassed so the cost should reflect it soon...also the commercial market is slowly warming to it so it is just a matter of time



Well-Known Member
The plasma systems veg nicely but unless there is another system such as LED in 600 nm and up ranges they won't flower. If you visit the Chameleon website and click on any of their Solar Genesis 1 or 2 models and you'll see that they've plotted their plasma outperforming the HPS completely in the infrared ranges. toggle between SG1 and SG2 and the spectral distribution is identical but the umoles count does go up as would be expected. They created the SG6 which @ $6,500.00 is too rich for my blood with it's enhanced LED's in the 600-700 nm ranges but I wonder why you'd even need these enhancements if the PAR ranges in SG1 & 2 have met?

I'm a glutton for advancing technology but this isn't making PAR sense to me if these charts indicate HPS performance levels are inferior to the plasma.

Interesting read: Scroll down to Sulphur Plasma Lights........


Active Member
It is called sulfur plasma and it is "of the sun". Although they are the best light's on the market, due to the cost me and many other production growers will be sticking with the 1000w's. Also these lights are the reason only the jerks who allready have them will be using LED's because hps is beating them right now and the price won't drop before the higher quality sulfur plasma will be cheap enough to overtake the LED's. -dank


Well-Known Member
True, plasma needs more red in flowering. A combination with HPS works well. Plasma adds light quality and don't forget the UVB (at least the GAVITA plasma has a glass filter that lets through UVB, I don't know if the chameleon does too). Here's Amnesia Hase, 1 plant in scrog in a trial.