

New Member
Ok, I'm a complete noob.

Now that's out of the way my friend and I were trying to find a place to plant some of our seed and we stumble upon some plants. I think this is marijuana but I'm not sure lol. Someone confirm?


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New Member
I know lol, just weird cus I've never seen anything like it around here and it was the only stuff like it around the whole area.


Well-Known Member
hahaha. It looks just like weed too, it even has the stripes on the main stem(trunk) like indent stripes. idk how to say it lol


Well-Known Member
You know everybody here is going to tell you that's not weed.
But you'll never really know for sure until you smoke some of it will you?
Now I'm not telling you to to anything stupid or dangerous or horrifically certain to land you in the hospital here.

But all I'm saying is you should totally dry out some of that ominous looking mystery plant, smoke it and tell us what happens.