
I have 3 White Widow 2 weeks old and they have started to turn yellow and they dont seem to be growing at all, :wall:
i am growing in John innes no 2
Lights are 3 20Watt CFL'S and 2 4Ft 38Watt fluro tubes
I havent used any nutes
Can anyone help me please :confused:

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
It's hard to see the pod leaves. Are they burned at all? How long has the problem been going on? Were they healthy and green when they were younger?


yes they looked burned round the edges, it has bin about a week sin i noticed this problem and they were a nice healthy green before any suggestions ??


Active Member
It could be that your water is turning the soil sour (aka over watering). It might also be that your lights are to close and are burning the plants but seeing that you are using "3 20Watt CFL'S and 2 4Ft 38Watt fluro tubes" this is highly doubtful.

How often do you water your plants and on what sort of light cycle are they?

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
You're probably over watering.

Allow the soil to go dry, saturate, then dry, then saturate. Adding a little bit of water every day, or just not enough for run off, is likely a contributing issue. The soil is probably a little hot as well. It will pull through in time. Just get your watering habits resolved and make sure you are pH balancing everything you add to the soil.


Thanks Snow crash i have bin thinking over watering, but wasn't to sure thanks for your input, any ides of how to make humidity higher ?? I am growing in a 2 door wardrobe ??

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
I don't find low humidity to be all that much of an issue. So long as it is over 20%.
If you really want to, humidifiers are like $10 at Rite-Aid or you can use a tray of water for the extra evaporation. Try to keep your temperature a little lower as well to help keep the rh as high as you can.


Ok i thought humidity had to be higher than 20%, my humidity is around 35% i have a tray off water in there already thanks crash


Active Member
i stick my finger in the soil ..if it's dry 2-3 inches down i water them,i'm growing in 5gal + pots...i water every 7-10 days..

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
lol. stick my finger in the soil.

Lift the planter. You can feel the weight of the water. When the planter is dry it will be very light when you lift it up. Then you saturate to run off.


Well-Known Member
Another good investment is a Moisture Meter at Lowes for $6.00. Use it to see when your plant needs water and it will help you learn how to read your plants when it comes time for another watering.


Intresting, if problem consists the plants definitly have a viral disease..that means scrap em clean everything good and start again friend , but most likely water habits at the moment better luck in the future!



Could it be that the soil is to strong for the plants im using John innes no2, because the plants are only 2 week old ??

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
You stated you haven't fed with nutes yet, but what kind of medium/soil are you using ?
Unless your soil is adequately supplimented, it's time to start feeding nutes by the time they are 2 weeks old.
They also yellow from "eating" themselves if they don't have enough food in the medium.


i am just using John innes no2 soil which states on the package that it has sufficient nutrients in the soil, i transplanted them into the soil 3 days ago and iv noticed that they are starting to look abit healthier :-P hopefully they will carry on improving