plants yellowing after correcting ph


Active Member
So I found out my cheap ph meter was a peice of crap and my ph for my entire one and a half month veg was off (ph was between 4.0-4.80). So I got a better one plus a the liquid drop tests for verification and now it stays between 5.5 - 5.9 (im doing hydro). However, the plants still grew ok and were green (not dark green though) but looked just a little off in a way. So I figured after I corrected the ph (3 days ago) they would improve. Nope. There getting worse. Whats going on? Also, for a little more info, I switched to 12/12 about the same day I changed the ph but im pretty sure its not a nutrient deficiency because im using lucas formula which has a NPK of 40-40-40 so theres plenty of nitrogen.