plants wont finish


Well-Known Member
Ok so ive been doing this for a while now and i always seem to have a harder time hitting my makes in the winter than the summer but this time its getting ridiculous. best i can remember i turned the lights back on nov 15 last year and now being the 2 of feb by my count thats 79 days in 12 12 for nirvana seeds ppp, which is supposed to be a fast to medium strain, is there anything i can do to seed this u, im mostly cloudy but no amber yet and i want 50 50. any help will be greatly appreciated


How are your night temps? I am having the same trouble here. Have been growing AI that has been finishing in 45 days, I am now at 50 and the bud mass is not there. I had some nights at 57 deg I have now corrected that and do not allow temps below 65.


I have found that not watering for 1-2 weeks before harvest, and an 8 hr/day light regime works well. With the exception being total darkness for the last 3-4 days. Not watering allows the plant to use up all avail nutes, and the no lights trick the plants into producing thc as a last ditch effort to propagate. This has always worked for me.


Well-Known Member
i actually know all these things and have been working with my setu for a while so its really not my concern, im more like mr juatabud, my girls should b done and the mass should be more, all i can do is wait i guess

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
The most common reason for the flowering process to stall at the end is root binding. Carefully remove a plant from its pot and check the roots to see if they are circling repeatedly around the bottom corner of the pot.