Plants turning spotty yellow??


Can anyone tell me what kind of problems I'm having with these plants?

System- Hydro/55 gallon ebb and flow bucket system

Sensi Bloom A+B
Bud Candy
Big Bud
Rhino Skin



Well-Known Member
looks like calcium or potassium def . ure using cal mag so .. when was the last time it got a dose of cal mag ? if recent id say potassium . need photo w/o hps on to see the color to b accurate


New Member
My Chem Dawg plants just had something similiar happen to them.... They were just about ready so I chopped, so I'm kinda curious myself. I use some of those same nutes so I'm wondering if it's nute burn? Perhaps certain strains need a little less, and a break just using plain water? Anyone?


Well-Known Member
My Chem Dawg plants just had something similiar happen to them.... They were just about ready so I chopped, so I'm kinda curious myself. I use some of those same nutes so I'm wondering if it's nute burn? Perhaps certain strains need a little less, and a break just using plain water? Anyone?
the first onset of nute burn will result in a deformed twist in the leaf promptly followed by burn if its bad .

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Who's Ca/Mg? What pH are you running in there? How often are you adjusting and does it run high or low when you check it.
Lower your ppm's.....Hmm that makes me ask, how often do you dump and refill and how do you top off the res?


I was topping off every few days about 8 gal at a time, from what I've acquired from this site and my local hydroponic dealer, I have been under feeding and adding too much cal mag. Apparently I dont need to run cal mag with tap water?? My ppms were too low and ph remained around 6.0

So anyways I cut early and cut my losses. I will be restarting with tap water and base nutrients only with a much heavier watch on my ppms and ph.

What is everybody's recommended ppms for aeroponics veg system, I started at 450 and noticed I saw yellow leaves towards the bottom and slow growth, raised to 900 ppms, and in two days I've added a gal per day and I'm at 695 now and seeing better growth, but would you add more or remain the same??