Plants turn yellow within hours of feeding.


Well-Known Member
i have 9 clones that seem to just not want to grow. ive flushed them twice. the last time was about 4 days ago. i used 6.0 ro water and leveled all the plants soil ph to 6.5. i waited until the top soil was kind of dry and today i fed them a full dose of superthrive and grow big. now all my plants have a yellow tinge to all of them and it seems to be taking over the entire plant at once. these clones i bought last january and they havnt grown but a few inches so im getting new ones. i just dont know what to do about the sick ones i paid $120 for at the club. how will i know the next batch wont do the same thing?



Well-Known Member
how will i know the next batch wont do the same thing?
next time feed them nutes at a lower strength first to make sure the plants like it, then over a few weeks u should gradually increase the dosage to full strength.

i think its safe to say that u have a bad case of nute burn. and the plants are over watered.

the soil doesnt have to be completely saturated every watering, just make sure it stays moist.

U need to flush them. probably in a week or so they will resume normal growth, at that time u should cut off the bad leaves (if they havent fallen off) and resume feeding them but at a much lower strength till they are old enough to handle full strength feeding.