Plants too tall



I've got this problem as it seems that the plants are growing too tall without spreading to sides. (you can see that between the third and the fourth 'floor' is almost 10cm stalk without leaves)

Watering: when needed -> when the ground is not moist 3-5 cm deep

Medium: Plagron light-mix

Fertilizer: Plagron Alga-grow, changing to Bio Canna - Bio flores

Light: 250W

Plants: 5 (white widow)

Since I have only 250W and they're not blooming yet (because I switched to 12/12 like a week ago) I'm afraid they'll be too tall and the light won't shine on the bottom parts.

Do I leave it like this or is it necessary to cut and if then where?

Any help and suggestions welcome!


Well-Known Member
You can top them or supercrop them.

You should have done either one in veg but since it is only a week into flower you might be all right. It might take a bit longer to finish but at least you won't be cramped for space.


Well-Known Member
your plants are definatly to large for the light you have.. a 4 foot tall needs the intensity of a 1000 watt light to reach the bottom of the plant.. i wouldnt cut anything because itll retard your flowering time by a week or two... just dont expect a big yield from the bottom 3/4 or so of the plant... next time keep your plants under 24 inches unless you get a larger light..

C3rtifi3d Hustl3r

New Member
bro i had the same problem and im still on the problem Something that will help is to move your light closer. Or top them. or look up Low Stress Training. It Gets your plant a lot more Fatter and bushier!


Well-Known Member
tie them down, then your OK.
Tie them down? what does that mean? I have some sativas 1 week into flowering, and if those fucker triple like I've read than I'm going to have a problem. I think I'm going to top all of them, even though I've flowered for a week. Better than it growing to the roof.


Well-Known Member
Also, drop some cfls for bottom and side lighting. Its so cheap its crazy not to. I think thats why your plants are tall, only 250hps? 5 plants??


Well-Known Member
Tie them down? what does that mean? I have some sativas 1 week into flowering, and if those fucker triple like I've read than I'm going to have a problem. I think I'm going to top all of them, even though I've flowered for a week. Better than it growing to the roof.
He means LST (low stress training) You tie a string to the top about 4 or 5 nodes down and lean it to the side. Becarefull not to break it. In 1 or 2 days it will sart to grow towards the light.:peace:


Well-Known Member
they seem to bee stretching u can tie them down or top em it wont hurt since u jus started flowering and ure gonna need sum side lighting use cfls so u dont really fuck with the temp too much use those clamp lights people use for heating snakes in the aquarium

Evil Buddies

Ganja King
check this product out will help bush out ur plants

Bush Master nutrient enrichment suppresses vertical growth habits to encourage lateral branching and more compact development. Basic dosage instructions for Bush Master are included for soil, hydroponic and foliar applications; however superior results are often achieved by fine tuning the prescribed amount to your particular crop and growing method. This supplement is extremely potent and should not be used on highly-stressed plants suffering from dehydration or any pest and disease infestations. Contains 1.5% sea kelp (Ascophyllum Nodosum). body { background: #FFF;}
I have the same problem but Im two weeks into flowering and they are like three inches to the light.
I cant lift my light up any more.Please help


i think u were growing ur plants too far from the light.

Buy 1000w and call it a day and wait until next harvest ur yeild is going to b small no matter what u do.
i think u were growing ur plants too far from the light.

Buy 1000w and call it a day and wait until next harvest ur yeild is going to b small no matter what u do.
hi i am having a similar problem my plants are 2 feet tall and growing very upward i have tipped most of them to keep them from over shadowing the others, but i need advice on what i should do next. should i tie them down or just simply start 12/12 timing asap