Plants sleep so which is best


New Member
they are right temps do not over water an is flowering, but DOES go limp. dont care what anyone says. it does it maybe getting shorter but nevertheless it does. and only wanted to know if it still photosynthesizes while limp, because if it did not in future i wud coincide this with the dark 12 hours when the plant is making the chemicals for bud next day,


New Member
I think if your plants are falling asleep during lights on you need better plants do goofy shit during the day like you state, leaves curl when hot, droop when cold, stand up when hot and dry, get spots on them when i add too much nutes. but they are NOT sleeping on the job.they are probably telling you to water before 5:00, try watering as soon as your lights come on and see if they droop at the same time.I have to say this is some funny shit.
what me trying to explain or my plants. i try to water b4 miid day always, this my 1st grow did over nute at first but no marks only leaves at bottom fadeing due to it flowering for nearly 2 weeks now, no nute burn it healthy green with buds
& thc glands. but sorry and for the last time it goes limp. if lights were not strong enuf wud it flower at all. i use 1x125w cfl & 3x36w fluros vertically all changeable frm red or blue., see my setup on youtube mrbigbud75

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
are they dead? no
are all the leaves falling off? no
have all the leaves turned rusty, yellow, dead etc? no

Get over it! :)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
there is a difference between noticing the little things, and noticing the insignificant things, especially on a first grow people can look out for anything and everything to get worried or excited by. it's not been going over peoples heads.

mostly though all this thread seems to be about is whether it's possible to fuck up the plants light cycles, short answer, of course it is, long answer, why are you wanting to fuck up your plants light cycles? having some droopy leaves during the day is a lot better than hermieing the plant out because you were trying to control every living second of it's life etc.


New Member
there is a difference between noticing the little things, and noticing the insignificant things, especially on a first grow people can look out for anything and everything to get worried or excited by. it's not been going over peoples heads.

mostly though all this thread seems to be about is whether it's possible to fuck up the plants light cycles, short answer, of course it is, long answer, why are you wanting to fuck up your plants light cycles? having some droopy leaves during the day is a lot better than hermieing the plant out because you were trying to control every living second of it's life etc.
i aint fucking aynthing up its on a normal 12/12 all im asking is when it goes limp is it photosynthesising coz if its not next time i do a grow i will coincide this with the dark 12 hours, and yes it gone over your head for u not read that its on a 12/12 healthy & flowering, all im mearley pointing out is its limp or unresponsive to light or seems to be for 5 hours of the 12 its given. why is there only 1 other person who gets this and noticed it with his plants, its not a few leaves its the whole plant. dont get were ppl think im fucking it up if its flowering an on a 12/12.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i've been trying to make heads of tales of what you're typing. seems like you don't know what is going on, as in you don't know what you're doing.

if you are thinking you can coincide it with your 12 hours of darkness, then you are pretty much stating that it is an environmental issue and not a plant issue.

i can't sit here and say nothing is wrong though, there could be, it's not my plant, but the fact that it's still healthy, and 99% of experienced growers seem to be saying ignore it, well.


New Member
i've been trying to make heads of tales of what you're typing. seems like you don't know what is going on, as in you don't know what you're doing.

if you are thinking you can coincide it with your 12 hours of darkness, then you are pretty much stating that it is an environmental issue and not a plant issue.

i can't sit here and say nothing is wrong though, there could be, it's not my plant, but the fact that it's still healthy, and 99% of experienced growers seem to be saying ignore it, well.
thats all someone had to say but its not an environmental problem, it just simply unresponsive to light for a few hours of the 12 its given. and in future grows would it matter if i timed it if this limpness was in the dark. google do plants sleep you will find the answer YES in the dark the stomata close and no food is produced , but is it the same as when my plant goes limp


New Member
i've been trying to make heads of tales of what you're typing. seems like you don't know what is going on, as in you don't know what you're doing.

if you are thinking you can coincide it with your 12 hours of darkness, then you are pretty much stating that it is an environmental issue and not a plant issue.

i can't sit here and say nothing is wrong though, there could be, it's not my plant, but the fact that it's still healthy, and 99% of experienced growers seem to be saying ignore it, well.
were are the experienced growers then


I dont think you can coincide the time in which the plants go limp to the 12 hour dark period because as soon as you do so, the plants will change the time that they do go limp. Youll be going in circles. Try it out for experimental sakes. And its certaintly not a enviromental, temp, or light issue. My temps run at 78, rh 55, and 400watt MH. Oh and hydroponic as opposed to your soil grown plant which sort of eliminates the over watering issue.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
thats all someone had to say but its not an environmental problem, it just simply unresponsive to light for a few hours of the 12 its given. and in future grows would it matter if i timed it if this limpness was in the dark. google do plants sleep you will find the answer YES in the dark the stomata close and no food is produced , but is it the same as when my plant goes limp
if it's the plant, and not environmental, then you will achieve nothing by changing the dark period. it will just be droopy and asleep at a different point of the day instead, still in the light period.

you are literally sat there trying to make nothing, into a new problem. if this is your first grow, then you finnish it, that's all a first grow is EVER about, just getting to harvest, doesn't matter if it yields you 2 grams, the idea is learning.

and what experienced growers? lol, how about all the ones in this thread pulling in lovely big harvests not trying to invent the reason for a plant problem.

you don't know what you're talking about, what you're doing, you have a shit attitude, no wonder i am following in the steps the rest of people refusing to bother helping you.


New Member
I dont think you can coincide the time in which the plants go limp to the 12 hour dark period because as soon as you do so, the plants will change the time that they do go limp. Youll be going in circles. Try it out for experimental sakes. And its certaintly not a enviromental, temp, or light issue. My temps run at 78, rh 55, and 400watt MH. Oh and hydroponic as opposed to your soil grown plant which sort of eliminates the over watering issue.
thankyou again i was not going to change schedule on this grow, jus take note in veg on my next grow and then coincide it with the dark, in flower.


New Member
if it's the plant, and not environmental, then you will achieve nothing by changing the dark period. it will just be droopy and asleep at a different point of the day instead, still in the light period.

you are literally sat there trying to make nothing, into a new problem. if this is your first grow, then you finnish it, that's all a first grow is EVER about, just getting to harvest, doesn't matter if it yields you 2 grams, the idea is learning.

and what experienced growers? lol, how about all the ones in this thread pulling in lovely big harvests not trying to invent the reason for a plant problem.

you don't know what you're talking about, what you're doing, you have a shit attitude, no wonder i am following in the steps the rest of people refusing to bother helping you.
i will be harvest in abt 5 weeks, can u learn to read by then, its not a problem its just a query as to why my plant goes limp coupl hours into 12 hrs light and 4 arguments sake if it was reversed would it make a difference. coz on my next grow iwill just start flower an hour after its not limp, save me the hassle of trying to ask you anything, i got pissed coz ppl not read question right it was someone else who gave jip 1st.


Well-Known Member
if it's the plant, and not environmental, then you will achieve nothing by changing the dark period. it will just be droopy and asleep at a different point of the day instead, still in the light period.

you are literally sat there trying to make nothing, into a new problem. if this is your first grow, then you finnish it, that's all a first grow is EVER about, just getting to harvest, doesn't matter if it yields you 2 grams, the idea is learning.

and what experienced growers? lol, how about all the ones in this thread pulling in lovely big harvests not trying to invent the reason for a plant problem.

you don't know what you're talking about, what you're doing, you have a shit attitude, no wonder i am following in the steps the rest of people refusing to bother helping you.

Nicely put my friend. Your 100% right too. When first starting to grow cannabis.. the most important thing to do is read and learn by

trial and error. You can't learn anything.. unless you actually put effort into what your wanting to learn. I learned most of what I know,

by reading material on the internet.. plus people around here helped me alot of the time as well. But, I never asked a question on here..

unless I had already tried to find it before hand.. and had no luck trying to find the answer on my own. Then I would come and ask for


anyhow, if people come in.. and start whining and using their "CAPS" button.. to make words bigger in hopes to gain someones attention.. that's when I ignore them and I won't try to help that person. Growing cannabis.. you must be patient with it.. as its going to do what it wants to do.. when its wants to. It's an art.. to me it is. It's also like meditation for me personally.. because I go into another world when I'm working with my plants. I only grow for my personal use.. so I never grow more than two or three plants at a time. But again, growing cannabis is an art.. and should be treated as one in order to do well with it. You follow what I'm saying?? I hope.. because sometimes I wonder about myself.. and wonder if I'm making sense at all. lmao..

anyhow.. unless you change your attitude towards people that are trying to help you 'G.rower'.. then you won't get anyone to help because nobody will want to help you. Just chill.. relax.. light one up.. regain your thoughts and composure, and then come back and try asking again. :)

peace everyone.
You need to add more nutrients! Superthrive is like Cialis for plants. If it still goes limp, then try a double dose.

Limpness.... Is your grow in a sealed system? Is the intake fan anywhere near a smoking area? There has to be an external source to your limpness. Remember that nicotine is like poison to your plants. I noticed that as I was tying my plants up (no cialis for my plants, I prefer them submissive) they would immediately droop. Turned out I am a smoker and the nicotine on my hands drooped them over.

Just a thought. Not meanin to get your panties in a bunch, but if they do.... Oh well, my shoulders are broad ;)


New Member
ganjaluvr u are right, but plz read this thread fm beginning, is my question so hard. i did state it on 12/12 healthy & flowering, and querying abt the limpness, but everyone say i fuckin it up . they not reading properly. desch the only one. GANJALUVR have u experienced this


Well-Known Member
what u goin on about i am doin 12\12. every plant sleeps, some in day or night, when mine sleeps i turn lights off coz it not using light. does it produce these chemicals in its sleep. whats wrong with 12 hrs light turn lights off for 5hrs while it sleeps then keeping lights off for a further 7hrs makes the 12\12 but is the 7 hrs dark enuf time to make enuf chemicals for the next day, thats all i want to know

He has a sick plant and he's turning off the light because he thinks it's sleeping.


New Member
You need to add more nutrients! Superthrive is like Cialis for plants. If it still goes limp, then try a double dose.

Limpness.... Is your grow in a sealed system? Is the intake fan anywhere near a smoking area? There has to be an external source to your limpness. Remember that nicotine is like poison to your plants. I noticed that as I was tying my plants up (no cialis for my plants, I prefer them submissive) they would immediately droop. Turned out I am a smoker and the nicotine on my hands drooped them over.

Just a thought. Not meanin to get your panties in a bunch, but if they do.... Oh well, my shoulders are broad ;)
someone who finally can give some advice, yes it is sealed, i do smoke but not in grow room, an try not to touch my plants as much as possible. what is cialis plz


New Member
sorry that wrong ido not turn light off i got mixed up coz had to write so many times, like i said it on 12/12 & flowering. MONKEYBONES oh are u someone else with jibes an no advice, thats why i got pissed,