Plants showing some problems, help appreciated.

Papa Squat4

Active Member
I germed 6 seeds 10 days ago in jiffy peat pots with the greenhouse dome. Of all that I put directly in the jiffy pellets 5 of the 6 popped. The one seedling that showed the most growth early has come to a crawl.

And another one has grown very well but the past 2 days the tips of the leaves have turned yellow and "crispy" dry.

Im wondering which options I can take to remedy these problems. My waters ph out of the tap is 6.8 and I leave it 24 hours to dechlorinate it. The plants are under a 600 watt dimmable light (mh bulb at the moment) and the hood is air cooled. It is about 2 feet from the tops of the seedling. Temp in the closet is around 78-82 on average and humidity is 42% consistently.

Should I transplant them now and switch the light schedule to 18/6 in case this is light burn. The soil I'm putting them in in 3 gallons each of the "dr earth organic" it clearly says on the bag POTting soil so I'm guessing it should have great levels of nuts in it for them. I was thinking transplanting may help them get healthy again.

Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks in advance

Papa Squat4

Active Member
Should I transfer them to the 3 gals I have for each of them? Would the nutes in the soil help them vigor back up?

The lights are at 300 watts now and I'll add a humidifier in the area to bring it up like 20% or so. Hoping any of this helps. I'm writing daily logs and taking pics so I'll be putting a journal together even if it is a giant failure halfway through.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
What I would do is get those ladies into bigger pots. If you are going straight to 3 gal then go for it! What is you PH of you water at? Keep a close eye on that and pot them up and you should be fine! And all seedlings get right around where yours are at and they ALL stall in growth for about a week or two. It happens to me every time, then those little piggies take off like a rocket! ;)

Papa Squat4

Active Member
I mentioned my tap water comes out at 6.8 ph so I have 2x 5 gallon buckets that I fill each time to dechlorinate the water. I was really only wondering about the one plants started and grew twice as much as the rest for about 5 days straight and then just hit a wall while all the rest has nice growth.....I figured it may be that they are all bagseed and it could just be a strain thing since genetics are unknown.

Will be transferring 4 into 3 gal grow bags later and 1 into a 3 gallon hempy setup with all perlite.

Thanks again everyone