Plants showing signs of something.. Need advice (PICS)


New Member
Hey everyone I'm new here, I've been growing 2 plants in my basement with about 50% humidity and temp around 83-84. I have a 600w HPS dimmed to 50% at the moment until my other 4 seedlings sprout.

The 2 plants have been growing for around 2 and a half weeks now and haven't really noticed anything strange until now. They started to turn a little light colored and one of the leaves has a little brown on it. I give them water once every 2 days, and have given them nutrients only once, about 2 days ago so I am thinking it may be nutrient burn.

Anyway, I would like some advice on what to change/do to keep them alive and growing. Thanks!
Also, is the size normal for 2 and a 1/2 weeks or do they look a little small?



Well-Known Member
Hey everyone I'm new here, I've been growing 2 plants in my basement with about 50% humidity and temp around 83-84. I have a 600w HPS dimmed to 50% at the moment until my other 4 seedlings sprout.

The 2 plants have been growing for around 2 and a half weeks now and haven't really noticed anything strange until now. They started to turn a little light colored and one of the leaves has a little brown on it. I give them water once every 2 days, and have given them nutrients only once, about 2 days ago so I am thinking it may be nutrient burn.

Anyway, I would like some advice on what to change/do to keep them alive and growing. Thanks!
Also, is the size normal for 2 and a 1/2 weeks or do they look a little small?
I agree you need to take photos with your lights off please. Is that 2.5 wks from germination? Depends somewhat on what strains you're running but need more info and a better look.


Active Member
over watering sounds like it. Water every other day. check your soil by sticking your finger in it about 1/4 inch down or a small stick will also work. look and see how wet it is.


Well-Known Member
dont feed them anything for a few weeks. watch them and if they get worse. then well go from there


Well-Known Member
Overwatering, and sometimes seedlings just take awhile to really start patient and REALLY minimize watering otherwise you will drown roots