Plants showing sex already

We have three plants, that were started as clones indoors and were about a month old when we planted them back in April. Now they're starting to show pistols, and we can't figure out why. Any help?


Well-Known Member
If it was a clone. It wasn't a month old a clone is as old as the mother. So that means it was sexually mature. April to early thats why you havde pistols. Good luck
It was end of April, it's been about a month since we planted them. I guess a better question would be what's going to happen to them? They just started to show within the last few days, and we've been on an 18/6 light cycle for about 20 days.


Undercover Mod
Like stated don't worry they aren't flowering they are jsut as mature as the mother was because they are clones. Cheers.