Plants looking wimpy after lst help!


Active Member
One of my plants look wimpy like the leaves dont stick out, i took the strings out from thw low stress training and it just stays in that position. Ionno wat to do will it die?
One of my plants look wimpy like the leaves dont stick out, i took the strings out from thw low stress training and it just stays in that position. Ionno wat to do will it die?
Thats the weakest question i have ever seen. Gonna have to do better than that to get an answer:spew:
The leaves are not sticking up to reach the light, my other plants are thats why im concern about that plant cuz instead of chasing the light the leaves get wimpy looking and chase the floor
dude, quit shitting up this board with retarded threads every 5 mins. You are not a grower, I've seen your pictures and hare-brained ideas. you watered your plants with BOILING WATER for Christ's sake. Throw those sad little plants away, spend a couple months reading and taking notes from REPUTABLE growers with real results, then maybe give it a shot, but right now you are wasting your time, and your wasting everyone elses time that clicks on another one of your threads. A little self-examination is in order i believe.

One more thing, GO BACK TO SCHOOL, you aren't ever gonna make a living growing weed, get an education and learn how to type with correct diction and grammar that people can understand clearly.