plants look done, but no amber trichomes

also FYI those pics were taken around 7-23-10 or so, and not posted for several days. so by now those pics are 11-12 days old.
your feeding too much N. and not enough P for that ratio....... thats why you plant is leafy, still kinda green leafed, and the buds look weird.... those calyxes tell the story of a plant that almost ready for harvest.. they are pretty damn swelled up... still wait a week, or even 2... matter fact if i was you i would flush for at least 10 days and harvest

Those are seeds, that doesnt mean its ready.

Original poster, how did they get pollinated? did you have a hermie or did you remove a male too late? How bad are they? I would start next grow asap if you havent done so yet. let these ones finish still but i wouldnt bother focusing much more time or energy into them. The potency and yield is greatly diminished if a plant gets pollinated since it puts nearly all of its energy into making seeds.
Bummer dude about the seeds but on the bright side at least you have seeds to start another grow ;-)
wait, so is THIS what should swell up in the last couple weeks?


i was under the impression the whole bud will swell up and be more bulky in the last couple weeks. those circled things have been swollen for weeks.
no, they aren't done, and, likely there are problems.

let me venture here.

Are you using Miracle Grow Soil? Is there any PERLITE in it? If so, what percentage? What types of lights are you using? What type of Nutes are you using? WHat is the NPK ratio???

Are you aware of what MICRO-NUTRIENTS are? If you don't have a fully balanced nutrient mix, this is what your buds will do.

I would guess you are using CFL's (no orange light in pics)

bottom line, i got some at ~4weeks and they are EASILY twice to three times the size (bud wise)

Conclusion: You did something wrong, at 7 weeks, they aren't going to "fatten up" from where they are now. Not trying to be mean, but helpful.

Next time. Use HPS light. Use a soil that is FULL of perlite, and then ADD more. Use a FULL nutrient line. AND finally, get better genetics from seeds. Those look like some bagseed.
no, they aren't done, and, likely there are problems.

let me venture here.

Are you using Miracle Grow Soil? Is there any PERLITE in it? If so, what percentage? What types of lights are you using? What type of Nutes are you using? WHat is the NPK ratio???

Are you aware of what MICRO-NUTRIENTS are? If you don't have a fully balanced nutrient mix, this is what your buds will do.

I would guess you are using CFL's (no orange light in pics)

bottom line, i got some at ~4weeks and they are EASILY twice to three times the size (bud wise)

Conclusion: You did something wrong, at 7 weeks, they aren't going to "fatten up" from where they are now. Not trying to be mean, but helpful.

Next time. Use HPS light. Use a soil that is FULL of perlite, and then ADD more. Use a FULL nutrient line. AND finally, get better genetics from seeds. Those look like some bagseed.

This is my 2nd grow. 1st grow was small and in my bedroom at my parents house a couple years ago. Got about 12 grams of weird tasting (but totally killer) sinsemilla from 4 small plants under a 4' fluoro from bagseed. I assumed that not pollinating them had the largest effect on quality since it was stronger than anything i'd ever purchased (which contained the seeds I planted for it). If I got the same quality out of the 2nd grow (but on a larger scale) I would be TOTALLY satisfied.

This grow:

Not miracle grow but some similar type of planting soil. I added miracle grow perlite (about 70% soil, 30% perlite just as i do with my non MJ plants).

6 cfls for the veg chamber, on 18/6.

400 watt hps for flower on 12/12.

My "final" flower chamber ended up with 3 females, 2 of which hermied on me (thats where all the pollination came from). I assumed that 2 of 3 of my bagseed fems herming was a result of the environment and NOT genetics (it was my understanding that true genetic hermies arent that common, so 2 out of 3 led me to believe it was stress induced). So i decided to keep them and pick the balls off and ordered some reverse and penetrator. I had my roommate spray them when the product came in, and I think he fucked it up because they looked extremely unhealthy when I got back.

The nutes im using is some generic type plant food (schultz i think??) in a 10-15-10 ration. Started at 1/4 strength and eventually got to feeding them at 2X strength. Still doing this with the veg and early flower.

One of my original females never hermied (but got pollinated by the others :o), so im flowering the clones of the hermies since I have them already (im going to spray them with reverse just in case they try to hermie again) then im going to stop that genetic line and continue with the one that never hermied along with 3 brand new plants. I will reevaluate which genetic line(s) I want to propagate based on the eventual results.

I think its a combination of my roommate fucking them up with the reverse spray (still dont know exactly what he did), the plants getting too stressed (too many moves, too long in veg, not optimal conditions) during the loooong construction of the entire chamber and ducting, getting way too hot in the flower chamber, and being too large for the pots they are in.

My intent was to grow some plants, clone them, and once clones are established after a few weeks move them into the flower chamber, and stagger it every couple weeks so I get a perpetual harvest. These plants are the 1st wave and are much older and larger than what i originally intended to do, so I think the 1 gallon pots are undersized. I was afraid of repotting them in the middle of the flowering phase though, and figured I'd let them finish and correct the problem with the new plants.
I'm balls deep into this, and probably have close to $1,000 invested in soil, hps light, cool tube, fans, ducting, cfls, wires and breakers, wood to build chamber, reverse, timers, carbon scrubber (which I dont even use, I just vent up my chimney), the bucket cloner i built, etc.

So now if its a matter of buying a few new pots, a new bag of soil, and some REAL nutes I think im all set up to start growing kick ass plants. What kind of nutes should I buy? I was thinking I would like to move to a DIY hydro system, but following the advice from nearly everyone on this forum I want to get several good soil grows under my belt so I know a lot more about it before I tackle that. But I would eventually like to start experimenting with hydro and it would be nice to have nutes that are compatible with both if possible.
Bag seeds can be iffy, you dont know that it was from a female that got pollinated from a male, it could be from a hermie that pollinated itself, thus the high hermie ratio.
If those are 1gallon pots, then yeah, transplant to something like 5 gallons when you start to flower at the latest. I veg in 1 gallon to 2 feet, and then transplant to 5 gallon for flower. It's worked pretty well, they easily double in size when flowering, and the roots don't get bound.
Bag seeds can be iffy, you dont know that it was from a female that got pollinated from a male, it could be from a hermie that pollinated itself, thus the high hermie ratio.

yeah i think your right... those are seeds.. i must have been high has hell the other night... i think d.d. is right on that being a hermie... those genetics suck bro.... spend some money on some decent cheap beans
Anything that hermies im going to terminate the genetic line. So ideally after a couple generations all I will have is pure females that don't hermie. I didn't buy seeds right off the bat because I wanted to learn what I was doing a bit. Ruining bagseed plants seems more acceptable than ruining expensive high quality seeds (and I did ruin my entire first batch before this one. poor bastards never made it out of the veg state in my attic when winter hit). I am still planning on getting my patient card, and once I do I should have access to different clones. That's getting a bit ahead of myself though.

Should I cut my losses on these 3 plant with seeds given that those pics I posted are 2 weeks old at this point and they are currently 9 weeks into the 12/12 cycle? And also I have 4 more smaller plants already placed into the flower chamber (I anticipated these plants being gone by this point). With these 3 gone the 4 smaller plants would get ALOT more light, and I feel like I should be focusing on those plants. But i'm not sure if it makes sense to chop a plant at 9 weeks since all the hard work is done. Will the gain in potency on my seedy plants in this last week or two make a difference and be worth letting them hog the light?
can you take them outside for a week or so? whens the last time you checked the trichs? are they all still clear?

No they cannot go outside. I check the trichs every 2-3 days. They are still all clear. I picked a tiny bud that looked the most advanced off so I could get a more stable shot with the mini microscope and maybe 5% looked a translucent amber color, the rest looked like little glass mushrooms and such.

The plants E-1 and B-1 "look done" because of excessive yellowing and leaf death, as if it's at the end of its natural life cycle. Plant C-1 does not "look done" to me. Still looks very vegetative (comparatively). E-1 and B-1 also appear woody, and I feel like if I start bending branches they will snap whereas C-1 still has more of a green quality to it, and the younger plants have much more green quality. The seeds in all 3 plants appear to be extremely abundant, and in some cases fully developed and starting to pop off.

Recently there appears new growth at the tips of all the buds on all 3 plants and they look like brand new pistols. Should I be growing brand new pistols at week 9? Whats up with the sudden growth spurt? These 3 plants have been on plain water only since I started this thread 2 weeks ago.

Here are some more updated pics:

These first 3 are of plant E-1





These next three are of B-1




And these last 2 are of C-1. C-1 Doesn't "look done" to me.




What's everyones opinions on these plants? Cut em? one more week?
Man, thats a tough one sort of, I think its time to cut your losses with them. try making some butter or hash oil from them, you never know, it may catch you a pretty good buzz, thc isnt the only thing that gives you a buzz in mj.
Back about 9 weeks ago when the males first identified themselves I chopped them down and put them into a bottle of everclear and made green dragon. It was wicked and got me stoned so I had real high hopes for the females. I suppose worst case is these fems go into green dragon, and its at a minimum as potent as the males were. I'll wait for a few others to chime in before I chop them though.
I agree with dd420, making different kinds of hash out of them would probably be your best bet considering there isn't a whole lot of bud and with trimming, it just doesn't seem worth it to me...
I saw this with one of my buddies grows before. Poor air circulation and to much heat. Look closely at the pistols. If they look more brown than say reddish that means they are dieing and not ripening. My buddy killed his because it never finished and made terrible smoke. I wouldn't knock that strain even though it is bagseed. Clearly from those pictures those plants went through hell and that is why so many hermied. Cut your loses. Since you have ventilation and all worked out start over and watch your temps a little better. PS. If those plants turn out like my buddies did and I'm sure they will (look damn near identical to his) even hash will not get you a buzz.
I have a 250 cfm fan hooked up running 24/7. Duct from veg and duct from flower room both go into a T, then duct over to the inline fan, then duct into my chimney clean out port. The entire chamber is under negative pressure, and i'm pretty sure this is helping with the smell. This was set up from the time they started their 12/12 cycle. The volume of the entire chamber (veg room and flower room) is about 135 cf. So even if the fan is only pulling half the rated cfm its pulling the entire volume out every minute. I also have fans inside the chamber to circulate air. What else should I do to get better air circulation?

The temps in the chamber were getting waaaaay too hot, so I installed a cool tube and its keeping them reasonable. My entire basement is warming up to 80* though when its warm outside. I think people hanging out, running a dehumidifier, tv, computers, lights, and of course everything associated with the grow room is adding to the heat. So when my basement is 80*, and my furnace room is several degrees warmer, and the doors on the chamber have to be kept closed for an extended period my temps are maxing out at about 90*. I think I saw 91* one day. It was up over 100*F before the cool tube though.

Other than installing the cool tube I dont think the air/temp conditions are going to be any different for the plants that follow, nor do they seem too harsh. The temps are slightly higher than I would like and maybe slightly higher than ideal, but should maxing out at 90* really cause that much problems?

E-1 never hermied. C-1 and B-1 hermied, and the clones of those (C-2 and B-2) also hermied. The clones were not put into the flower chamber until AFTER the cool tube was installed, so I don't even understand where their stress to herm came from. In fact one of the B-2 plants looks insanely healthy; not stressed in the slightest (except it fucking hermied!). I have sprayed all the plants except those 3 big ones with reverse and picked all the balls I could find off. I have not found any balls since I sprayed.

The only other thing that may be different is larger pot sizes. I'm pretty sure my big 3 are root bound. The watering schedule for them is 2-3 times a day when I can, but usually just once per day. I will water them when I get home from work until water drains out the bottom, and by bed time they are bone dry. An identical pot with a much smaller plant (and much smaller root system) is taking up to 5 days to dry out between waterings, so its the plants sucking up that water and not the environment drying it. They are 1 gallon square pots.

I think I may abandon my plans of many small plants in lieu of just growing larger plants. I plan to be legal in my state soon, so I think I should stick to the law and keep it to 12 plants. I would also be limited to 2.5 ounces, but I have no intention of reporting how much my harvest actually is. So I may just grow larger plants in larger pots.
you could get an ac unit and put it in some room near the basement u frequent that u want cooled, like your bedroom or living room and just run the intake to that room, you seem to know what your doing when it comes to ducting and hooking them up to other rooms/areas so it shouldnt be no problem for you and then you get the great benefit of not sweating your ass off yourself. its a