Plants leaning towards light and falling over


Active Member
I've got one 65W CFL light between 2 plants (and I've got two of these setups). Plants are about 7cm (3 inches) away from each other, and the light is about 3 inches above them and directly in between.

Ever since I've been growing these plants, they seem to be growing towards the light, bending their stems to do so (2 far plants in photo). Eventually, some of my other plants started falling over. I topped up their pots with soil to stop this from happening (for now), which also straightened them up. They're bending towards the light again, though.

Any ideas how on to stop them from bending in the direction of the light? Would it be a good idea to have my light higher up ?(even though it means less light to the plant.)

The other picture shows a close up of a plant with drooping leaves, anybody have any suggestions to explain that?




Well-Known Member
stake them up with bamboo stakes if you need to but your plants will always reach for the light .
if you find a way to keep them from growing towards the light you have outsmarted mother nature


Active Member
Thanks for the help, I'll leave them as they are for now, and I'll stake them if they start falling over again.

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
You can turn the pots 90 degrees every day and play the looking for the sun game. This way they will be constantly moving toward light.


Well-Known Member
the best thing a plant could do for you is to point at the means that its trying to grow..moving light is a good thing for the plant..there are fixtures to enhance light shifting which would reach every part of the plant.

the leaves are doing just fine its normal for them to go down a bit.
im not a hydro person but i think you need r/o system , a good ph and ppm meter , and some good hydro nutes
if you regulate those 3 i think it should be fine . there is a thread about hydro created by Potroast hese a hydro guru ...maybe u cud ask him a question


Active Member
Exactly! Your plant is streeeeetched. Only 1 fix for that: more light closer. That's it. My first grow started out the same way. Glad you asked earlier than I did. Good luck.

Well-Known Member
If possible move closer to the light and rotate it daily about 180 degrees so it constantly is being forced to grow straight up. It might slow growth the first day but your plant will begin to like it

Just realized this post is from 2008. If your still on here lets see how she's doing! If she has not died already :(