Plants keep dying after 2 weeks or so.. HELP!!

Okay, so I got some seeds out of a bag i bought, germinated them, planted them in organic soil with CFLs, use only distilled water when the soil appears dry or is dry to the touch. I also use Jack's Classic All-purpose 20-20-20 plant fertilizer along with the water. This is my second time experiencing the same thing. After about 2 weeks of growth in the seedling stage, the plants start to get a dark yellowish tint and dies shortly after, and I have no idea why. I've read a lot of different stuff on what could possibly be wrong, but never get an answer on what to get for the plant or anything. Any help would be great!


Active Member
Drop the jacks for a couple more weeks, feed less until the plants are bigger than the seedling stage. Sounds like your frying em from the little info you gave


Don't feed them fertilizer there to young its called nute burn! wait for 3 to 4 weeks than put some in! remember roots grow twice the size of the plant!


Active Member
Pics would help.

I would advise against using distilled water, its a waste of time and money. Normal tap water works fine.

What soil are you using?
When do you give them their first feeding?
How often are you watering them?
Are you checking the PH of your water/soil?

Nanda Devi

jacks classic is great stuff!! start feeding plants after 2wks old never in the seedling stage. The optimal Jacks classic mixture is 5ML per gallon with 6.3 h20. Super thrive and Botanicare liquid karma are also essential to veg and seedling stage.

Jonny K

Active Member
Start them in seedling soil, give them about 2 weeks and transplant into soil with some food in it. Start with nutes too early and burn the piss out of them . They are babies treat them gently. I don't give my vegging plants any nutes besides the organic guano and worm castings and stuff like that. And real easy on watering. Overwater kills them quick.