plants just don't wanna drink


Active Member
So I transplanted a while back into bigger pots. When I feed or water the soil remains wet for about a week sometimes longer. What I have done is cut back and not water untill I get run off. I water what I know the plant needs. But what Im curious is my nutes say feed up too twice a week. and all my last grows I alternated water/feed every 3-4days. But with only having to water once a week I only feed once a week is this a problem or will their be enough left over nutes in the soil not to worry about this? also I put sand ontop of the soil a month or two back because of fungus gnats (which are gone now) could this layer of sand on top be whats containing moisture in the pot causing me no need for watering?

thanks for the time to comment


Well-Known Member
They are in shock and are not growing yet(roots or foliage) give it a week or two and the pots should dry in 2-3 days.
No, sand improves drainage.
When i transplanted from a 1 gallon to a 5 before flowering it took 16 days till they needed watering again, they had grown a lot in that time. I'm assuming it just took the roots a while to dig through the new soil and find the water that was in there.


Active Member
That's probably what it is I went from a 2 to a 6. As long as you do every other it's pretty much the same thing right?


Well-Known Member
If you went from a 2 to a 6 gallon container it will be a few weeks before your plant is big enough to drink up that much water in that size container. You have to remember that your roots did not take up much area in the soil compared to the 2 gallon container. Don't worry about the nutes they will be there until you water again especially if you have your soil set up to retain the nutes. This is done with something like hardwood charcoal ( biochar not the bbq chucks like kingsford) or even humic acid will help to retain your nutes in the soil.
Hope this helps you and you should notice soon that the water consumption will pick up as the area of roots expand in the container. But please consider that now it is very easy to overwater with a small root system and a big container, it is important to let the bottom soil in the container to dryout well so the roots seek the moisture promoting better and faster root growth.
Happy Growing


Active Member
If you went from a 2 to a 6 gallon container it will be a few weeks before your plant is big enough to drink up that much water in that size container. You have to remember that your roots did not take up much area in the soil compared to the 2 gallon container. Don't worry about the nutes they will be there until you water again especially if you have your soil set up to retain the nutes. This is done with something like hardwood charcoal ( biochar not the bbq chucks like kingsford) or even humic acid will help to retain your nutes in the soil.
Hope this helps you and you should notice soon that the water consumption will pick up as the area of roots expand in the container. But please consider that now it is very easy to overwater with a small root system and a big container, it is important to let the bottom soil in the container to dryout well so the roots seek the moisture promoting better and faster root growth.
Happy Growing
Thanks man, Yea I've been afrraid of over watering because of this so I I have been watering what I know is needed.