Plants Issues 3-4 weeks old

I grow the clones for 2 wks under 24/0 with just 5.8 water

Transplanted them to big cups hempy bucket style.
Start Van De Swann nuts

Plants might be nut burn, or other issues
They have stoped growing

The temp is about 80 degrees inside a hut.
Strains 1 Purple Kush
2. Romulan

The top of the plants are light light grean, almost yellow.
Some of the Tips are blackish
Stunted Growth

Should i Flush it ?

I wanna grow these into 2 mother plants

So any help would be great



Well-Known Member
what r u feeding them ?
im not sure what that is ?
it looks like the plants dying from
the top down
oh yeah i would Marijuana Growing - Reply to Topicdeffffooooo flush and flush good

Thanks guys i just got home and am about to start that.

I am feeding them Van De Swann Nuts
Using the complete line
A & B Aqua Flakes
I did the recommend 5.5 ml to a Gal

and Its not looking nice, the roots are stunted, looks like alot of deficiencies , but its a nut problem. I should of given them a weaker dose most likely

Website for nuts

I watered them about 2 or 3 times with the nuts, my last watering was just plain water


Active Member
i believe your PH is way to low for soil causing nute lockout raise your PH to around 6.5 and flush the plant see if that helps


Active Member
They don't look burnt, they look deficient. You should try raising your ph say 6.3-6.5. The low ph could be locking out certain nutrients.

ha, well you got it. It's Iron Def.

I am olny givning them water right now.
I am not using soil, only Perlite to Vermiculite is 3:1

I just changed the Grow medium, I also gently flushed the two plants, The PK has nicee rootss, it madde me happy, I hope they start to get betterr poor little girlss