Plants havent come out yet, Do I give it more time??


Active Member
so its been like 4 days,
im growing mids and i planted it like 4 days ago,
and nothing has even come up.
do i throw them out?
or give it more time?!


Well-Known Member
well i suggest jus keeping the light really close to the pot and do something that u prolly havent done in a while go pray lol unless there bunk ass seeds and u got a lot of them


Well-Known Member
just take some of the dirt off the top of it so that you bring the serface closer to the seed insted of bringing the seed out of the dirt and replanting it


Active Member
thts a real good idea,
fuckk dude i just thru away one of my seeds,
but whtever i put 6 more in germination.
just incase nothing works out.


Well-Known Member
If you had a 2inch tap root it should pop out in a day, What kind of soil r u using, and NO nutes I hope?


Well-Known Member
You are supposed to plant seeds twice as deep as the width of the seed. Use that rule of thumb next time.