plants have been in darkness for 4 days


hi the old bill have been coming to my house on a regular basais looking for someone not connected to me or my plants but obviously i have had to move my plants (9) they were very healthy and have 28 days left unfortunately were i moved them to they have been in darkness for 4 days i now have somewere for them but the question is is it worth it putting them back on 12 12 or has the stress turned them hermi has anyone else had this problem and if so what was the outcome any help or advice much appreciated:cry::cry:


Active Member
i need some info.

im assuming from your statements they are already in flower
how long have they been in flower??

well 4 days of dark in and of itself probly wont trigger herm, but its definitely gonna cause some seasonal confusion.
most likely youll just have a little streatch to worry about.

but in the future, you can use a a 40w incandescent to keep the light cycle active, but it will trigger excessive streatching


there are 56 days total flowering so there half way through ill probably give it a go but extend the number of days left thanks for the reply


Active Member
i would try and start it back on its light cycle at its normal time.

it still remembers when it remebers getting light. so the closer to that u get the happier it will be