Plants growing too slow?

I planted my seeds on Aug. 25th. they are obviously now in the bigger buckets of soil and while they seem to be doing great, they also seem to not be growing as fast as i would have thought; it has been about a month and 1 1/2 week or so and they are still around 6-7 inches, lots of healthy lookin leaves, and a very strong smell.

Is it just that some strains take longer to grow than others? I'm pretty sure soil is a fairly slow process of growing as well. Or is this due to lack of light, nutrients, water... etc.? Or am I doing just fine? Thanks for the help


Well-Known Member
I think your plants sound pretty great. 6-7 inches is okay for that time. Yes there's a lot of difference between the different strains. If your plants look healthy enough i wouldnt' worry about that.
Hmm..they sound like they're doing alright but, if they're short with lots of healthy leaves it could be your light source. what kinda light?
26 Watt CFL's. it's hard for me to think that the light is the problem because the room gets so bright and the plants respond well to them... I dont plan on getting any other lights due to lack of a huge budget anyway.