Plants growing too slow??

Mate of mine uses acetone as a binding agent to put his coke back in solid form, the acetone evaporates, and in an hour there's no smell of the acetone from the coke. Funny how the smell leaves the coke as well as the vapour.
Hey Al,
I think I read in another thread that you were looking for birth control pills to feminize your seeds????
Still lookin'???
Im not sure thats it not have`in the light on 24 hours a day with people & plants some growth only happens when we sleep
Hope that helped
Hey Al,
I think I read in another thread that you were looking for birth control pills to feminize your seeds????
Still lookin'???

You're the fifth person who didn't get the joke. :D

BCPs belong in your girlfriend and nowhere else.

Im not sure thats it not have`in the light on 24 hours a day with people & plants some growth only happens when we sleep
Hope that helped

Plants don't sleep.

Cannabis plants respond to 24/7 light by growing 24/7.
omg, no wonder my plants are growing so slow also. I think i've been over watering. They've been in veg with 1000watt MH and its been 16 days veg. They are only 8-10inches tall. Now i know. Sometimes i worry that if i water the palnts too little they might droop and die. Thanks AL for the info. Man, you know your stuff. And i think i flood too high. The top of the plants are covered with a thick layer of algae..
415, I think you've sorted it out.

Algae are plants; they need water, nutes & light. Block light to the media tops with a disc of panda film. Keep a layer of dry media on top by not flooding so deeply. Flood duration need not be any longer than needed to raise the flood level to the overflow, then the pump can be shut down.

If using RW cubes in pellets, flood only to 1/2" below the cube.

Thanks for the info Al. I've been at veg for a while, and its been growing very slow. (2 x 1000 watt MH) I think I need to starve the plants a little instead of flooding them 2-3x's a day on 6inch RW cubes.
Oh, there's the problem! Flood those 6" blocks 1x/day- only!

You will not be starving them at all- RW has a very strong wicking action, there will be plenty of water for them. If you frequently flood RW like that, you are driving out all the oxygen, necessary for root formation. You need only flood about 1" deep for about 1-2 mins, the RW will do the rest.

There will be some root disease as a result of the overwatering. Dose the nutes with H2O2 50% grade @ 1ml/L, reapply every 3-4 days.
Cools thanks.. I've been seeing alot of algae and slow growth. Can't get H202 over in the west now. Its banned. Cloest to H202 is dutchmaster ZONE.

Had a off topic question for AL. I'm 5 weeks into flowering and the big colas llok great. But im starting to see yellowing from the colas. Is that from the light too close or signs of beginning BUD ROT? I'm using 1000watt HPS to flower and i've seen it before from my previous grow.

At my previous grow it looked like light too close, but then when i harvest them and dried them, they were bud rot? Is it because the colas are too big? I have a 14inch exhaust fan (3500 cfm) and 4 fans circulating the air in a 12x14 room? Im doing drain to waste (RW mini cubes + clay pellet + 5gallon bucket) Should i put a dehumidfier?
Cools thanks.. I've been seeing alot of algae and slow growth. Can't get H202 over in the west now. Its banned. Cloest to H202 is dutchmaster ZONE.

Had a off topic question for AL. I'm 5 weeks into flowering and the big colas llok great. But im starting to see yellowing from the colas. Is that from the light too close or signs of beginning BUD ROT? I'm using 1000watt HPS to flower and i've seen it before from my previous grow.

At my previous grow it looked like light too close, but then when i harvest them and dried them, they were bud rot? Is it because the colas are too big? I have a 14inch exhaust fan (3500 cfm) and 4 fans circulating the air in a 12x14 room? Im doing drain to waste (RW mini cubes + clay pellet + 5gallon bucket) Should i put a dehumidfier?

What is your humidity level? Get that tested and you will know.
I broked the humidity sensor on my timer. But it should be @ 50-60. I have a 40 gallon res there filled with nutes all the time. Think i should put a cover on top of it? Its sad to see the big colas rot..
Cools thanks.. I've been seeing alot of algae and slow growth. Can't get H202 over in the west now. Its banned. Cloest to H202 is dutchmaster ZONE.

Please shop around. I've heard the California peroxide ban rumour a few times now and was able to find 35% H2O2 on the shelf in 4 hydro shops in LA via their websites.

Here's the MSDS for Dutchmaster Zone. It does not contain any H2O2 and so will not be a suitable substitute.

Had a off topic question for AL. I'm 5 weeks into flowering and the big colas llok great. But im starting to see yellowing from the colas. Is that from the light too close or signs of beginning BUD ROT? I'm using 1000watt HPS to flower and i've seen it before from my previous grow.

Got pix?

At my previous grow it looked like light too close, but then when i harvest them and dried them, they were bud rot? Is it because the colas are too big? I have a 14inch exhaust fan (3500 cfm) and 4 fans circulating the air in a 12x14 room? Im doing drain to waste (RW mini cubes + clay pellet + 5gallon bucket) Should i put a dehumidfier?

What does your peak-memory recording thermometer/hygrometer tell you about the extremes of temp & humidity?

3500CFM, is that right? You rightfully should have a wind tunnel, not a grow op! :lol: I have a Spectrum Customline C250L 250mm centrif that shifts 280L/sec (593CFM) with a 195W motor. It's the low power/noise version, though. Spectrum also have a high power version, C250H with a 480W motor, which shifts 420L/sec (889CFM). This bastard will suck start a Harley. :lol:

If your humidity runs about 80% despite ventilation, a dehumidifier can help.

A sulfur evaporator (aka 'burner') will stop bud rot and powdery mildew. I have one running on a timer for 8mins, 2x/day during lights-off. Runtimes are 1h after lights-off and 1h before lights-on. The exhaust blower is unlikely to be running during lights off, keeping the sulfur vapour in the room instead of risking it being blown out during lights-on.
Jesus christ of pot growers AL B Fuct. Your the man i have aquick question fo ya. I have a micro DWC plants were started in starter fert and then moved into hydroton into 4" pots. I have 1.5 gal of waterin 3 galon bucket with a 12 inch air stone right under the cups. Water level is about .5" away from the cups should it be less?allowing more space between the water and cup to allow for more areo roots. My grow journal is in my sig. If you could drop by that would be kool. Thanks
I remember before i broke the sensors, 75 temp, 67 humidity. Al, you think its due to the 2 40 gallon garbage cans i have in there with premixed nutes?

I don't have any pics now, cause its lights off. I will take some pics 2m immediately when the lights go off so that it won't disturb their sleep.

Yeah, a buddy of mine got me that fan. Which costed ALOT. Hes said with this, you won't need an intake. I have 4 airkings circulating the room.

Do you think its the strain of the plant that i'm growing that budrots easily? It's CHEM-DAWG strain. Very nice strain, BIIIIIIGGGG colas and MOST THC i've ever seen. Only downside is the budrot. I wonder is it due to the colas being toooo DENSE. I currently have them on 5gal buckets with half filled miniRW and hydrotons. IT's the 5th week, and i today i started adding GRAVITY to them. First time on gravity. Gonna see how they look 2m.
Jesus christ of pot growers AL B Fuct. Your the man

While I appreciate the compliment, I am not anybody's jesus and frankly, I stuff it up fairly often. I seriously cringe when folks say stuff like this.

i have aquick question fo ya. I have a micro DWC plants were started in starter fert
What's starter fert?

and then moved into hydroton into 4" pots. I have 1.5 gal of waterin 3 galon bucket with a 12 inch air stone right under the cups. Water level is about .5" away from the cups should it be less?allowing more space between the water and cup to allow for more areo roots.
should be fine.

My grow journal is in my sig. If you could drop by that would be kool.
That's a fairly long thread, is there anything specific you need me to see? If so, kindly link me.

I remember before i broke the sensors, 75 temp, 67 humidity. Al, you think its due to the 2 40 gallon garbage cans i have in there with premixed nutes?

You seriously need to replace the broken hygrometer. That's must-know (not guess) stuff. 67% isn't horrible but it could be lower. However, 67% is what it was the last time the hygro was working, you have no idea what it is now. At 70%, powdery mildew and botyritis (grey mould, bud rot) are almost a sure thing.

How many plants are you running? 80gal is a hell of a lot of nutes. 5L per plant is usually sufficient in most applications.

Yes, there will be an appreciable amount of evaporation from any open nute tank. Covering the tank will keep evaporation from the tank down, but it can create a space under the lid and above the waterline with high humidity and no air motion, which won't be frequently rinsed with H2O2 dosed nute soln. Fungi will love a space like that.

There will be more evaporation from the media the plants are in ad through their leaves- and you can't cover the leaves!

Yeah, a buddy of mine got me that fan. Which costed ALOT. Hes said with this, you won't need an intake. I have 4 airkings circulating the room.
I hope he means you 'won't need an intake fan' not 'you won't need an intake port through the room wall.' If it really shifts 3500CFM, you definitely won't need an intake fan! You of course DO need to have an intake path which is around 2x the dia of the exhaust blower to avoid throttling it. Every gozout needs a gozin. If the intake path is too restrictive, you won't get anywhere near the blower's CFM rating.

What's an airking?

Do you think its the strain of the plant that i'm growing that budrots easily? It's CHEM-DAWG strain. Very nice strain, BIIIIIIGGGG colas and MOST THC i've ever seen. Only downside is the budrot. I wonder is it due to the colas being toooo DENSE.
Some strains definitely are more mould resistant than others. Sweet Tooth #4 was developed from Sweet Tooth #3 because ST3 was very susceptible to bud rot. However, you should be able to put the brakes on it with a sulfur vapouriser.

I currently have them on 5gal buckets with half filled miniRW and hydrotons.
wait, why both RW & pellets?

IT's the 5th week, and i today i started adding GRAVITY to them. First time on gravity. Gonna see how they look 2m.
What's Gravity?
While I appreciate the compliment, I am not anybody's jesus and frankly, I stuff it up fairly often. I seriously cringe when folks say stuff like this.

What's starter fert?

should be fine.

That's a fairly long thread, is there anything specific you need me to see? If so, kindly link me.

You seriously need to replace the broken hygrometer. That's must-know (not guess) stuff. 67% isn't horrible but it could be lower. However, 67% is what it was the last time the hygro was working, you have no idea what it is now. At 70%, powdery mildew and botyritis (grey mould, bud rot) are almost a sure thing.

How many plants are you running? 80gal is a hell of a lot of nutes. 5L per plant is usually sufficient in most applications.

Yes, there will be an appreciable amount of evaporation from any open nute tank. Covering the tank will keep evaporation from the tank down, but it can create a space under the lid and above the waterline with high humidity and no air motion, which won't be frequently rinsed with H2O2 dosed nute soln. Fungi will love a space like that.

There will be more evaporation from the media the plants are in ad through their leaves- and you can't cover the leaves!

I hope he means you 'won't need an intake fan' not 'you won't need an intake port through the room wall.' If it really shifts 3500CFM, you definitely won't need an intake fan! You of course DO need to have an intake path which is around 2x the dia of the exhaust blower to avoid throttling it. Every gozout needs a gozin. If the intake path is too restrictive, you won't get anywhere near the blower's CFM rating.

I do have a big intake port. Should be big enough for the outakes fan to suck out.

What's an airking?

An airking is a brand of oscalting fan which is pretty strong.

Some strains definitely are more mould resistant than others. Sweet Tooth #4 was developed from Sweet Tooth #3 because ST3 was very susceptible to bud rot. However, you should be able to put the brakes on it with a sulfur vapouriser.

I was reading on the sulfur vapouriser. How does it work? Do i plug it into something and it turns on 2x's a day or something?

wait, why both RW & pellets?

The pellets is to have the plants stay on the bottom so it wont tip over.
The RW is for the plants to grow their roots into.
What's Gravity?

Gravity is a ripening additive from humbolt county. It's suppose to add alot more weigh into the yield. And I heard that it helps the plants finish a week earlier.

I'm gonna take some pics later today and it at the 5th week.
Hey AL, here some pics

Looks like bud rot..
But it can be lights too close?
Marijuana Growing - 415medical's Albums

While I appreciate the compliment, I am not anybody's jesus and frankly, I stuff it up fairly often. I seriously cringe when folks say stuff like this.

What's starter fert?

should be fine.

That's a fairly long thread, is there anything specific you need me to see? If so, kindly link me.

You seriously need to replace the broken hygrometer. That's must-know (not guess) stuff. 67% isn't horrible but it could be lower. However, 67% is what it was the last time the hygro was working, you have no idea what it is now. At 70%, powdery mildew and botyritis (grey mould, bud rot) are almost a sure thing.

How many plants are you running? 80gal is a hell of a lot of nutes. 5L per plant is usually sufficient in most applications.

Yes, there will be an appreciable amount of evaporation from any open nute tank. Covering the tank will keep evaporation from the tank down, but it can create a space under the lid and above the waterline with high humidity and no air motion, which won't be frequently rinsed with H2O2 dosed nute soln. Fungi will love a space like that.

There will be more evaporation from the media the plants are in ad through their leaves- and you can't cover the leaves!

I hope he means you 'won't need an intake fan' not 'you won't need an intake port through the room wall.' If it really shifts 3500CFM, you definitely won't need an intake fan! You of course DO need to have an intake path which is around 2x the dia of the exhaust blower to avoid throttling it. Every gozout needs a gozin. If the intake path is too restrictive, you won't get anywhere near the blower's CFM rating.

What's an airking?

Some strains definitely are more mould resistant than others. Sweet Tooth #4 was developed from Sweet Tooth #3 because ST3 was very susceptible to bud rot. However, you should be able to put the brakes on it with a sulfur vapouriser.

wait, why both RW & pellets?

What's Gravity?
Gravity is a ripening additive from humbolt county. It's suppose to add alot more weigh into the yield. And I heard that it helps the plants finish a week earlier.

Sounds like your ordinary average 'magic sauce.'

If you don't know what's in it and don't know the biological mechanism by which it works, you've just been sold a bottle of water & profit- and you're not the one getting to keep the profit.

Hey AL, here some pics

Looks like bud rot..
But it can be lights too close?
Marijuana Growing - 415medical's Albums

dead link.