Plants growing REALLY slow! HELP PLEASE

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
i obviously don't know anything about your lights or set-up but the plants look like they are stretching a lot and have rather small looking leafs. i would suggest florescent lights quite close to you plants for this stage, if thats what you have it looks like you want them a bit closer.
After they show signs of recovery start lowering the lights.


Well-Known Member
Sweet, well I bought organic soil with no chemical nutrients added. Transferred them into little party cups (wrapped with black tape) after washing all the previous soil off them. It looks like I was able to keep about 90% of the roots when removing them from the soil, so hopefully they'll make a good recovery.


New Member
hey you ever here of super thrive ????? get some as well whats ur ph lower your ph to 5.8 to 6.2 max keep lights about 3 ft from plants for like a day then start lowering them like a foot each cycle try running a light cycle of 18 - 6 bring up ur humidity in ur room will help

not sure what your running for nutes but slowly introduce them to ur plant again u need something in the range of 0.4 - 0.3 -1


Well-Known Member
My ph is currently at 6.5 for the water I'm using. I'll raise my light to 3 feet like you all say. I'll upload some pics tomorrow and we'll see how they look then. Thanks again all