plants getting worse help!

ok i have a himalayan gold and i posted about her 2days ago n shes got sooo much worse it aint funny shes got about 4weeks left in flowerin. the other day some o her leaves started to go yellow n ppl said it was a nitogen def so i gave her some fert with it in it yesterday n now today all her big fan leaves have fell off n some o the smaller ones as well i dont know what to do HELP PLEASE!

these are some that fell off n dont know why 2 photos attached



Active Member
I have Himalayan gold right now too with about 3-4 weeks left as well and my leaves are doing them same thing i thought it was nitro def too cuz i cut down the nitro so much. But my trainwreck is super green and they're fine(hydro in same tote). I charged it to this being my 1st grow and i dont know to much about this strain. But the buds are fat and looking good..

Happy Growing!


Active Member
Try adding a little cal/mag solution to your next feeding. It looks like a deficiency. Unfortunately with only a short time before harvest there's not much you can do at this point. Yield will suffer. Whenever I switch my plants to 12/12, I sprinkle worm castings across the top layer of soil to prevent this very problem. The worm castings contain mostly nitrogen, which prevents premature yellowing of the leaves, but also trace nutrients such as Calcium and Magnesium. With each watering, the castings will release nutrients into the soil and keep the plant healthy throughout flowering without having to worry about over-fertilization.


Active Member
how are your buds looking mate?

the plants main priorities really change in 12/12, during veg its focus is to develop as many leaves as possible to take advantage of all that wonderful light. during 12/12 leaves are no longer a p[riority as the plant thinks winter is imminent so it needs to become as smelly as possible to attract something with pollen on it so it wants to make as much bud as possible, no point trying to make leaves to take advantage of the minimal winter light so it really focuses on the next generation. thats why ur bloom nutes have minimal nitrogen and it looks like a nitro def. one blast of half veg nutes about week 4 is usually a good idea

i had leaves yellowing almost after a week and first casualties soon after that. its normal for the flowering stage


Active Member
Without a picture of the whole plant it is totally impossible to tell anything.:dunce:.what you are showing with the leaf pictures is totally NORMYL ..nitrogen def is also normal in later stages of flowering you are supossed to get yellowing leaves..matter of fact you wont have the same quality of smoke with a lot of THC if you foster a plant with a lot of green fan leaves .. better to have a plant with yellow fan leaves and big juicy buds then a big green leafy plant with tiny weenie buds:wall:...have seen a lot people growing a lot of fan leaves here in the later weeks of flowering..I am sure they are using a higher nitrogen nute becasue their plant LOOKS better...which it will....but for the best THC and CBN levels the plant has everything it needs already in it's tissues and pure water is suggested for the entire last 2wks to a month--TAISTE THE DIFRENCE (and post some pictures of your plant)--it would help;-)
cant post pics o the plant she been bent n tied up so i cant get her out the tent n the light stops me gettin a clear pic o her


Well-Known Member
Leaves falling off in flower is normal. The plant is done sucking energy and food from those leaves thats why they look dead, the plant says to itself " Hey dead leaf I dont need you around anymore" If its sugar leaves falling off then I'd worry but fan leaves that are dead is fine. Remember your plant is done with that leaf so more food ends up going to your buds.


Well-Known Member
Remember the later you go into flower the less nitrogen your leaves get. Not having 100% green leaves before harvest isnt uncommon.
Remember the later you go into flower the less nitrogen your leaves get. Not having 100% green leaves before harvest isnt uncommon.
yeah but is it ment to happen in less than a week. she still has 4weeks left n lost about 20% o her leaves in 5days is that not abit quick?


Well since we cant see the whole plant. Have you checked closely for bugs? What do the bottom of the leaves look like. Also, this could be somewhat normal. I have seen plants around this stage with the leaves falling off and nothing is wrong. As others have said the plant is putting it focus on the buds.