Plants getting too tall...

Scotty Pot Seed

Active Member
About a week into flower my light timer got bumped and my light cycle got thrown way off. Lots of light. like 16 hours on. So I figure they reverted back to vegging. This light cycle went on for about a week by my guesstimate. I fixed it a few days ago and now my plants are way too tall. I am bending them over and tie some big ones down. Is there anything else I can do to stop them from stretching? Colder environment maybe?
Top em. Every time u top the plant puts energy to repairing and producing new shoots , not growing. I've never heard of cold slowing growth. Only to help turn em purple

Scotty Pot Seed

Active Member
I was going to LST early but didn't think I would need to. I regret not scrogging now. I've topped them once and I was worried I might be taking away from my total yield.


Well-Known Member
I always have the problem of letting my plants get to big, I just tie them down or pull them off to the sides of the light, just be careful they dont grow into light